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Summary: Denki was being abused, and Aizawa was not going to let it keep going.

Aizawa noticed it.

Finger shaped bruises, wrapping themselves around his students neck. They peaked just above his uniform collar. When he asked Kaminari Denki how he had acquired that injury, the student shrugged, saying it was a training injury.

Classmates didn't strangle their friends, not even in training drills.

It was a Monday.

The dorms shut down on the weekends, forcing students to go home. 

This was to benefit the students and familys, because not all high schoolers were living in dorms, and the stress could get to them. 

The next Monday, Denki Kaminari came in with an eye swollen shut.

Kaminari assured his friend group that it was okay, and 'no Bakugo, you don't need to beat up anyone. I just tripped.'

Class went on as normal, Aizawa had sent his student to the nurse to get his eye checked out, Kaminari came back with a gauze pad on his left eye.

The teacher was suspicous, he hadn't fully checked over his students files, only their quirks descriptions. He bit back his guilt. If something was going on at home, then he could have stopped it a lot earlier.

Shota plopped down on his couch, a stack of files placed on the coffee table in front of him. He decided not to go on patrol that night, a nagging feeling told him to focus on his class.

The clock read 3:45.

The front door of the two story house opend, his boisterous husband locking the door behind him. He grinned brightly, throwing himself on the couch, dragging Aizawa into a hug. They stayed still for a few seconds, enjoying each others touch before Aizawa pushed Yamada off of him.

 "Late night duty at U.A is sooooo borriiinnnggg." The blonde whined, sitting back on the couch. He had changed to his civilian clothes before leaving the school, his hair back in a bun like Aizawa's own hair. 

 The black haired male playfully rolled his eyes as his husband leaned onto him. U.A. Teachers were obligated to stay back for meetings, when security for the dorms was not enough. Aizawa wasn't too worried for his students, they could chase off any villain by just the sight of Bakugo's face.

Speaking of his students...

The pro hero sifted through the files intensely.

 " Hows our little ball of sunshine this morning? " 

 "Rebelling in the darkness with that teenage angst." Shota grumbled sarcastically, fingers automatically stopping on the cream colored folder labeled 'Denki Kaminari.' A mug of coffee landed itself in Aizawa's hands. Yamada snatched the folder from the table, reading the front.

 "Our resident charger! I love that kid, a real knack for english. Not a bad sense of humor either." Hizashi stated, sipping from his own mug. He kicked his feet up on the table, studying his partner.

 " What's wrong Shota. " His question was more of a statment, changing the lighthearted mood.

Aizawa gritted his teeth, fingers wrapping ever so slightly around his '#1 teacher's mug. His eyes studied the other files in front of him, spread out on the tables. He hasn't checked any of the others, but he felt a deep urge whispering in his ear to check. Just to make sure. 

 "Kaminari is coming to school with bruises. I just need to make sure to-" 

Present Mic placed a hand on his knee in understanding. Neither of the heros liked an abusive situation, especially with a kid so bright. To know that it was a fake mask the whole time, and that he had fooled everyone, would devastate both men. 

 "Do you... Want me to look with you?" The other asked after a few moments of thought. Tapping his finger at a steady beat on the soft material of Aizawa's sweatpants. 

 He swallowed thickly, nodding. 

He reached for the folder, opening it up to a picture of a beaming Denki Kaminari. His hair just as vibrant as normal, eyes closed with a thumbs up. This wedged yet another knife up the adults gut. If this boy was being hurt...

Yamada traced his fingers along the picture, smiling sadly. Wordlessly he flipped to the next page to his quirk examination. Nothing new on it, explaining it electrification, his drawback turning him into an idiot. Aizawa ever wondered if being called an idiot effected Denki. He would have to ask next time he saw him.

This was the farthest Aizawa got on his folder the first time, but he knew what lay on the next page. Mic noticed the hesitation, taking the folder from his partner to turn the page with him. 

Present Mic cleared his throat before reading off the list softly.

"Our young listener has ADHD, Dyscalcula, Dyslexia, and Anxiety. It dosent say he's on meds for any of them, but he is on quirk bracers." The hero read off the list. Leaving the other to wonder why he wasn't being treated for Anxiety, or helped with ADHD. Quirk bracers limited quirks, usually dropped when a child turned into a teenager. 

Yamada turned the page to 'family link's before pausing. There was a pregnant silence before the hero sighed, placing the folder on Aizawa's lap to see. The only thing that flashed in his eyes was deceaced.

Too many deceaced.

Mother: deceased 

Father: deceased

little sister: Deceased

There was a family photo. Little five year old Kaminari Denki held his baby sister in his arms, his mom and dad on either side of him. There was a passage to read.

Denki Kaminari, quirk electfification, gained at a public pool. Leaving three dead, one including his five year old sister. Denki was not charged, his quirk has manifested at the wrong place and time. His parents grew apart, neither wanted him. They committed suicide in front of their child, throwing him into the foster care system at the age of 10. Bounced around from homes ever since. 

Aizawa held his head in his hands, his partner wrapping him in a one armed hug. He rubbed his back slowly. He wanted to throw up. 

Footsteps shuffled into the kitchen, Shinsou only raised an eyebrow at the sight, continuing to make coffee. His parents had not noticed him, he decided not to ruin their moment.

 "How could I not know my own student was in foster care, and being beaten."

 Yamada frowned sadly, wondering the same thing. " We need to get him out of the situation. I don't know how but..." 

 He then noticed his son, so he placed a sad smile on his face. 

The purple haired teen only raised his cup to his mouth, taking a long sip of coffee. He sluggishly moved to sit on the other side of Aizawa, studying the file. He frowned. He didn't know Kaminari too well, but he did know that he was basically a sun. One time he smiled to him, and he had to look away because he was too bright.

"If your going to adopt, we have another room." Was all he said, standing back up to lumber back to his room upstairse. 

Aizawa and Yamada glanced at eachother.



"...okay Shota. If we get another kid, then no more cats. "

Aizawa frowned before closing the file, putting the address in his notes. "We need to visit Friday, he'll be safe at the dorms for now, but I'm not letting him spend another weekend there." 

 The blonde grinned a shit eating grin, getting up to stretch his mucles. "Dadzawa." He muttered loud enough for him to hear before heading to their room.

A\N: Request open, the abused series is up!

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