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Summary: The static electricity produced from Kaminari during the spring time attracts an exhausting amount of pollen. And with pollen comes allergies, well, x10 allergies in Kaminari's case.

A\N: So we've been doing sad stories latley, let's lighten it up and give him allergies! Also, don't come at me, but updates may be further apart now, but only because I'm still working on the acting AU, which I'm not sure if it's gonna flop or not. Also creating a Bakubitch appreciation series even tho he's an ass. 

The moment Kaminari's watery eyes landed on his blurred reflection in the long mirror, he reeled back in disgust. He could barley make out his distorted facial features through the piercing darkness of the room, the only light being the morning rays penetrating through his curtains.

His silhouette in the mirror was unkempt. Bed head looking almost worse than Kirishima's was when they got off of the rollercoaster. Dark eye bags that would impress even Aizawa, bloodshot with tears rimming the edges of his eyes.

Denki should have been accostumed to the sever allergies he gained around spring time, the issue formulated ever since he gained his quirk. The static electricity he emitted collected the dust in the air, following him around him all day like an unforgiving storm cloud. 

Kaminari hated spring time.

He sniffled in a pitiful attempt to unclog his nose, the never ending feeling of a sneeze coming on lingered. Today would be a tough day. If he recalled correcly... Shit... He had a test today. Well, at least it wasn't math, so he should at least scrape by on his English grade.

Kaminari flipped on the light switch, instant pain hammering his scull when the unforgiving brightness flooded his room. His closed eyelids only addled his pain a little. 

Denki gathered the supplys for his morning routine, slipping on a shirt before starting his exhausting treck to the dorms shared bathrooms. 

Kaminari cursed himself. Normally he would be the first to the restrooms before it got too crowded, his quirk mixed with hyperactive nature never let him sleep for long. 

Now the restrooms buzzed with activity, some stepping out off the showers while others stood in front of the large mirrors, brushing their teeth. The amount of voices that held conversations in the room echoed off of the tiles, going straight to his head in the form of a piercing pain.

Bakugo knocked his shoulder from behind to get into the room, Kirishima following closely behind. They must have just come back from their morning run, judging by their exercise attire.

Kirishima looked back to Kaminari, starting on his sheepish apology before stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed the blondes appearance. "Bro, are you okay? Your never usually this late..."

 Eijiro trailed off, causing Bakugo to look back to the two in annoyance, toothbrush clutched between his teeth. "Oi Pikachu, you look like shit." He stated, toothbrush muffling his voice.

 Kaminari rubbed at his watering eyes, blinking to adjust to the light. "Don't worry it's just allergies-" He bit his lip to keep himself from finishing his scentence. His voice was an octave lower due to his congested nasal passage, cracking like gravel under a cars tire.

The room spun around him, his center of gravity shifting as he struggled to keep on his feet. He felt airy from lightheadedness, black dots danced around the edges of his vision. 

A hand wrapping around his arm grounded him, pulling him from his dizzy haze so his eyes once again could focus on Kirishima looking on in unhidden worry, Bakugo stared intensely from behind him. 

Denki sniffled a little more, a cough ripping past his mouth. He hid his face into his elbow as he let out a string of miserable sneezes, trying his best not to shock his friends too much.

Kaminari wanted nothing more than to just curl back up in bed and sleep for the rest of the day. His eyebags were heavy under his red eyes. He hoped he didn't look as bad as he felt, though that would be wishful thinking. Despite his urges to drop to the floor and lean into the tiles coolness, he remained standing.

Kirishima and Bakugo shared a look, one involving a raised eyebrow and the others scrunched up. Both held a mental conversation as the room around them continued with their morning routenes, paying them no heed as they slipped past the trio to exit the room.

 "Sparky," Bakugo started " you need to stay fucking put. No one wants your shitty germs on them when you Accedently blow a fuse from sneezing. "

 "You should stay at the dorms," Kirishima agreed in a much more approachable attempt. Both still gave Denki expecting looks, who just returned their gazes with half lidded eyes. "No, we have a test-" 

Kaminari was interrupted by Bakugo's cold hand on his forehead. The ash blonde retracted it with a scowl. "You have really shitty allergies," he mummered.

 "Yeah, but I can still go to classes, I'm not sick." Kaminari struggled form his words correctly, his stuffed nose effecting his speech. 

A small frown tugged at the redheads lips before he finally nodded. He knew Kaminari wasn't going to back down on his stance anytime soon. "Fine, come to class. But just know that we're sending you to recovery girls after the test." 

Turns out Recovery Girl was out for the week. 

Kaminari powered through the first half of the day due to sheer will power. The class kept a close eye on him every time he would stumble a little, backing off when he would sneeze, not wanting to get electrocuted.

The teachers didn't focus on him too much, Aizawa only stared blankly at him, which would have been terrifying if he was aware enough to care. When Present Mic passed out the English test, there was a pink nurses slip attached to the paper, the teachers scribbled cursive writing barley readable.

Denki pulled through the test, hopefully with a grade that wouldn't put a cringe on his face when he found out the results.

Of course the nurses station was open, Recovery Girls fill in nurse running around the room in a frenzied state. She looked thoroughly overwhelmed, though Denki didn't blame her, filling in for Recovery Girl was no small feat. 

"Oh, hi" the woman greeted once she noticed Denki standing at the doorway. She immediately pulled him into the room, checking his temperature as he sat on one of the uncomfertable plastic chairs. "You don't seem to have a fever... Your safe to go back to class."

Kaminari wasn't sure if he wanted to drop dead right there or simply skip the rest of the day. He ended up slowly trudging back down the empty main hallway, occasional coughs and sneezes escaping past his lips. Every minute he would bring a tissue up to his eyes, wiping the tears away from his flushed cheeks.

"Bro! What did she say?" Sero asked when Kaminari entered the room, leaning against the doorway to gain levrage. 

" The sub told be to stay a-a-ACCHO! " Kaminari groaned after his newest sneeze, rubbing his red nose. He put his head against the door, miscalculating the amount of weight he was putting on the wall, promptly stumbling to his knees.

"Whoa there listener" Mic's voice was the softest that Kaminari's ever heard it. He was more than grateful for his teachers soft tone, if it was any louder he was sure that his head would split in half. Present Mic tugged gently at his arms, pulling the student up to his feet.

The class watched with bated breath. 

"Kirishima, Bakugo, are you two done with your test?" Yamada asked, keeping a hand on the students shoulder to hold him steady. The two nodded, already heading to the front of the room. "Take him back to the dorms, you three are excused for the rest of the day. "

No one made any objections to the teachers orders, Kirishima and Bakugo leading Denki out of the room. Well, at least he got his test done. At the cost of his health and sanity? Maybe. But Kaminari wasn't too disappointed with his test grade in the end. He did, in fact, end up bedridden for the rest of the week. But Damn, who knew Bakugo was such a mother hen.

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