Girl... For more than 1 day (Pt.3)

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A\N: Three days in a row, you should feel thankful! Lmao I'm going on a small trip so it may be a few days. Anyways, does anyone else see girl Kaminari like this? Or is it just me?

The moment Kaminari heard Mineta's voice, was the moment he regretted each and every single life choice he made leading up to his predicament. His mind was still reeling at the thought of being a girl...For who knew how long?

The girls didn't offer too much pity twords his situation, instead doing the opposite of what he wanted to do, which was stay holed up in his room until this whole thing blew over. They dragged him to the commons, forcing him to join their lunch time study session.

Kaminari clung onto hope that the teachers could find this kid soon. 

A good amount of the class were coming back from family outings over the weekends, not focusing on the group of girls on the couch since it was a relatively normal occurrence for them. Kaminari just wasn't used to actually being a part of the session. 

Bakugo (begrudgingly) made the girls and the bakusquad lunch, only accepting after Kirishima and Kaminari teamed up to give him puppy eyes. He immediately turned away, avoiding eye contact as they high a fived, grumbling something about unfairness.

Like Bakugo was one to talk about unfairness. At least he wasn't a girl. Of course, not that Kaminari had anything against girls, they were awesome! He just didn't want to actually be one. 

He's shook the thoughts from his head. He was focusing too much on the downfalls of the situation. He needed to look at the positives, like... Well, Kaminari would try to find the positives later.

The blondes uplifted spirit was quickly sucked from him when he headed the familiar nasally voice from behind him as he was accepting a plate from Bakugo. "Who's the new girl, Bakugo? Why are you serving her?"

 For some reason, a weird feeling, Like a sixth sense, was triggered deep inside of him. Tingles ran up his spine and his blood ran cold as he quickly veered away from the touch on his thigh. Kaminari turned to face Mineta, back facing Bakugo, as he stared down at him, wide eyed.

 "Wow, I don't know you, but your hot."

 Kaminari gritted his teeth, arms moving to cover his body defensively. When Mineta normally did this to girls, Kaminari only bugged him to stop, but being in the girls place was a whole diffrent experience. 

Mineta came off as a pervy teen, which was a weird vibe on its own. But being looked at like that...

Katsuki gently moved Kaminari to the side, glaring down at Mineta with the force of hell. Kaminari let himself feel an ounce of satisfaction when the grape shit broke a sweat. "You have to the count of three to fuck off.-" 

 Before Bakugo could complete his sentence, Mineta was already out, shooting Kaminari the look of a love sick puppy. Jesus christ.

The girls of 1-A all watched Mineta's retreating from before they flickered back to Kaminari. "Kamimari... Are you okay?" Uraraka asked.

 Kaminari must have had a tense expression on his face, so he put his face in his hands to collect himself. "Yeah," he let out a shaky exhale "just a bit weirded out. Did not expect someone to touch me like that today."

 " You shouldnt have to expect that, seriously bro, I can go crush him if you want. " Kaminari snorted at Kirishima's generosity, waving him off with a small smile. He turned back to Bakugo "Thank you. "

Bakugo only nodded to Denki as he turned away, walking to the table. The girls sent Kaminari apologetic looks before continuing with their work. 

It wasn't too much later when Aizawa calmly entered the dormatorys, normal blank face portraying no emotion. "Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugo, you three need to take a trip to the mall to look over the security cameras. Mina and Sero can go with you, don't let me regret this decision."

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