Dick on my face

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Summary: A Kirikami soulmate AU where when you write on your skin, it shows up on your soulmates skin also. Crack treated seriously, dont pay attention to the title, this is totally appropriate.

A\N: Kirikami, if you don't ship them skip. Figured I would post this cuz I haven't been updating.

Kirishima didn't really focus too much on the subject of soulmates. All throughout the beginning of his life, it was the main topic of conversation. Little Kirishima didn't give it much thought at the time, as long as he found someone sweet and nice, then he would be happy.

The subject only grew more popular in his elementary years, the little kids would run around, showing off an ink mark on their skin, whether they wrote it themselves or not. As elementary schoolers, they didn't fully grasp the subject of soulmates. Most adults didn't share all of the information until middle school. Like Kirishima's moms.

Apparently any ink or pen used to draw on any part of your skin, will show up on your destined others body. At least, that's what they told him. Little Kirishima was awestruck when taking in the information. Fate was nice enough to hand out freebies like that, but for some reason... Any addresses or names would immediately be erased, like white out.

It was like having a cell phone with no service. 

Why did the universe do that? Little Kirishima wondered. Did it just want to make life intresting?

Now that thought, didn't frustrate Kirishima in the least, even if others around him complained about not being able to learn key information about their soulmates. It just made life more interesting, in Kirishima's opinion.

The first time little Kirishima Made contact with his destined other was directly after his mothers explained how soulmates worked. Kirishima sat at the living room table, markers and colored pencils strewn out messily. The smell of cooking soup wafted from the kitchen as his mom and mother chatted.

Kirishima kicked his little legs, forehead leaning against the wooden table in front of him. He was at a complete stump. Artist block. The blank piece of lined paper stared back blankly at him.

Then he lifted his head, an idea forming in his brain. He could just see what his soulmates favorite animal was so he could draw it! 

Then the problem arised. 

He couldn't quite spell yet.

So he grabbed the blue marker with his chubby little hands, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration as he drew his all time favorite animal on the up side of his hand. A shark. 

Apparently his soulmate understood his message, because moments later there was an animal that looked suspiciously like a pikachu scribbled out on his other hand.

When his moms asked him about it when they set out a steaming bowl of soup in front of him, he shrugged. "Soulmate likes Pikachu. That's so silly! It's not even an animal!" 

 Kirishima had a good laugh looking back on that fond interaction. 

Throughout his late middle school years, Kirishima and his soulmate discovered as much about each other as they could, which was a pretty limited set of information. He referred to his soulmate as 'pikachu' which was still an inside joke between them. Pikachu really liked the color yellow, while Kirishima favored red.

Kirishima didn't mind the jumbled and uncoordinated notes Pikachu jotted down on their wrist. Just from the messy handwriting, Kirishima could tell that his soulmate didn't have the best writing skills. Or attention span. Sometimes during the school year little doodles would materialize on his skin.

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