Turned Into a kid pt.2

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Bakugo and Kirishima held out a healthy conversation for once in the kitchen, Bakugo clanging around to Finnish the meal he was originally cooking. The two adults left not too long ago to attend a meeting about what to do about Kaminari while hes a kid. 

Kaminari never talked about his family, so if left them wondering exactly what they were like.

Slowly students started filtering through the dorms to come back for the week, some grumbling about having to come back. Todoroki headed back to his room shortly after the teachers left, trusting them with the kid Kaminari.

No one noticed the small bundle on the couch, too preoccupied with heading back up to their dorm rooms to unpack for the week.

Bakugo and Kirishima went over the math homework at the large table, eating their lunch dishes. 

Suddenly a small meek voice shook the two out of their dynamics, they whipped their head to the entrance of the kitchen, where a young Kaminari bit his lip, nervously shuffling his feet. "H-hello?" He tripped over his words. His Japanese sounded off, broken. Not the fluent and calm language that usually flowed past his lips with ease.

 " Kaminari! " Kirishima stood up with such force that his chair squeaked back. He hurried over to the kid with a bounce in his step, reaching to embrace Kaminari, because damn, he just wanted to squish the kids cheeks. He would make fun of him later.

But before as he reached out, Kaminari flinched back violently, fear forming in his golden eyes. He lifted his arms up to block the blow that he thought was going to come to his face. 

He fucking flinched.

Kirishima jerked back with a sorry, and Bakugo was on his feet. Both observing the blonde. He slowly lowered his arms to peak over them, eyes rimmed with tears. It would have been cute seeing him in his oversized hoodie if the situation didn't feel so wrong.

 "I-im sorry" the little kid continued, struggling to form the words again. "W-where am i? P-please don't hit me."

 Kirishima and Bakugo shared uneasy looks, Kaminari standing there in all of his little kid glory, begging them not to hit him. They knew what was up. 

 Kirishima offered a sweet smile, bending down slowly to eye level. "Its okay little buddy, your safe, we won't hit you."

 Kaminari looked up in confusion, big golden pools staring up at them. "Y-your not?"

 " Kid" Bakugo's voice was gruff, lacking the normal bite. "Where do you think you are?"

 Little Denki looked around the room, mouth tugging in a small frown. "F-foster home?" 

 Bakugo and Kirishima shared her another look. That explained some of it, why he never talked about family. He didn't have any. That is why he always stayed at the dorms, constantly hanging out with the Bakusquad. Heck, the Bakusquad probably was his family.

 "Kaminari, you are safe here, adults are going to come soon and explain everything." Kirishima explained. Kaminari nodded along, not looking like he fully took in the words, hints of untrusting lingering in his small frame. "Can I pick you up?" 

 Kaminari tilted his head, not getting why anyone would want to pick him up. He nodded a little, not a second later strong hands picked him up from under his arm pits, pulling him close. 

Kirishima hefted him on his hip, walking to plop Kaminari on the table. Kaminari giggled a little at the weird faces Kirishima made. "Are you hungry?" The red head asked.

 Kaminari nodded.

Bakugo left to make the kid a sandwinch. 

 "W-what's your name? Your really nice Mr." Kaminari said, chewing on his hoodie strings. 

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