Chargers please

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Summary: Denki Kaminari's charger gets ruined. (Basically him struggling with exhaustion because of the loss of his charger.)

Kaminari hated his life right now. He may be acting overdramatic, but his charger got ruined in yesterday's hero course training. He just needed to charge himself, he didn't reach idiot mode, but he was out of it.

 Kirishima, bless his soul, had led him to an outlet in the corner of the room. There were never outlets in the training arena, but Kaminari noticed one small plug that had been added after his incident. 

Unlucky for him, his poor charger had been abolished by the terrain changing. Rip charger.

Without a way to charge himself, Denki came into class the next day at half energy. At least he would be too tired to fidget during the lessons.

The day has been exausting, he hadn't used his quirk but there were a few test that fried his brain. Then there was hero training. 

He was careful not to go into idiot mode, but he had completely drained all of his energy.

Kaminari sat down heavily on the bench in the dressing room below his locker. "Good job today dudes!" His red head friend complemented happily. " We get to play capture the flag tomorrow since its a friday! " 

This elected cheers from the more enthusiastic students. 

 "Hey man?" Kaminari Caught his friends attention.

 " Sup Kami? " 

 "Do you think I could use your charger? I won't be able to get a new one until the weekend." 

 Kirishima took in Kaminari's weak form before nodding. "Yeah bro, it's plugged into the wall over there" he pointed. "My phone should be at 100 right now, so you can unplug it." 

 Kaminari smiled brightly before slowly making his way to the phone charger. He unplugged Kirishima's phone and put it on his lap, shoving the end of the charger between his teeth. 

He relaxed his head on the wall behind him, getting charged up little by little. 

Too soon, Kirishima picked his phone up off of his lap, making Kaminari slowly open his eyes. "We gotta go bro, it's debriefing time." 

 The drained quirk user stumbled to his locker, struggling out of his hero costume and into his school uniform. He couldn't even focus on tying his tie, Kirishima jumped in to help when he noticed his friends struggle.

 "I'm at 15 percent" Kaminari groaned.

 "You gonna make it bro?" 

 " Yeah, let's get to debriefing before anyone thinks we skipped. " 

All Might took forever to finnish, going over individuals failures and corrections. His name didn't come up, so he chose to sit on the floor. When they were dismissed back to the dorms, he sunk on the couch. 

No one played him any mind, going on with their lifes. Usually on Thursdays people went to their rooms to study for the quizzes that they always have on fridays, but Kaminari couldn't pick his body up from the couch.

He let his eyes close. He could only charge himself up slowly when he slept, which is why he just charged himself to chase away the sleepyness.

He woke up to obnoxious pots and pans banging against eachother. 

Right. It was Bakugo's turn to cook. 

He slowly rose, noting silently that a blanket had been thrown on him. 

Kaminari centric oneshots (whump, fluff, angst)Where stories live. Discover now