4 Times Kaminari's friends gave him their hoodies

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Summary: 4 times Kaminari's friends gave him their hoodies.


Kirishima rubbed the sleep away from his eyes as the elevator doors slid open. It was one of those restless nights where his brain was refusing to give in to sleep. He did what he could in his dorm, but he decided that a walk would relax him.

He walked through the empty living room, looking out the large windows. If He looked closley, he could see hound dog circling the dorms. He was so focused on the outside that he almost didn't notice the whimpering noise. Almost. 

He turned around to face the unoccupied room. Was the sound coming from one of the dorms? No, the dorms were all on the next floor. He studied the room closer, then he noticed it. Curled up in the green couch was the familiar baby blue blanket that the Bakusquad handed off to one another. 

Kirishima hesitated for a moment, not wanting to inturrupt.

No, he thought, it would be unmanley to let anyone, especially a close friend, suffer. 

He passed softly over to where the blanket was, gently placing a calloused hand on the soft material. Soft sobs came from under the blanket. Kirishima found the end of the blanket, pulling It up so he could poke his head in the little cave. Messy, electric yellow hair brushed his nose, tickling him.

Kirishima smiled softly in reassurance before pulling the blanket back even more. His friend lay in the fetal position, tears wetting the couch cousions. 

Kirishima had never seen Kaminari cry before, because all in all, he seemed like a pretty stable dude. But they all had their troubles, so he didn't pry.

 "Kami" he whispered, opening his arms out. Kaminari melted in his hold, crying into his shoulder. Kirishima remained stable, a rock for his friends sorrow.

Suddenly an idea lit up in his brain. 

 "Kami" he put his hand on the others chin, pulling his face up so he could see his puffy golden eyes. "Do you wanna wear my hoodie?" 

 The others eyes widened before his lips weakly tilted upwards. 

Kirishima pulled off his Crimson Riot hoodie, pulling it over Denki. The electric quirk user didn't bother pulling his arms through the arm holes, only letting his head poke out of the new source of comfort. He leaned back into his friends chest, sniffling.

Kirishima carded his hands through Kaminari's hair, humming soothingly. 

The two never talked about the incident the next day, only hugging a little longer than normal in the morning.


Bakugo was making breakfast in the kitchen, a few others laying around on the couch, procrastinating about not wanting to get ready for school. 

 "Hey, guys?" Someone asked, the voice unfamiliar to Bakugo's ears. It was deep and congested. "H-has anyone seen my h-hoodie?" *Sniffle*

Bakugo turned around from the toaster to tell whoever it was to go the fuck back to bed. Because they sounded terrible.

Kaminari stood there in his PJ's, eyes puffy, and nose rubbed raw. Well shit. 

There was a beat before  a collective no came from everyone in the commons. 

Kaminari looked down in dissapointment, sniffling a little. 

Bakugo just turned back to his toast, placing it on the plate. Wasn't his problem. He buttered the toast, once he was satisfied with the evenly spread butter, he put it back in the fridge. He moved to go upstairs to his room. 

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