Girl...For more than 1 day (pt.4)

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A\N: I plan on having one or two more parts to this. My trip went good, even if I got hella sunburnt. Yall, be careful out there, my Aunt came in contact with the Corona Virus, but thankfully she is young and should be able to recover. I have an important story vote at the end of this chapter, make sure to give me some feedback!


Kaminari absolutely hated this. Yes, hate. The word hate had a strong meaning in his vocabulary book, reserved to the shittiest of all of the shit situations he's been in. He thinks that the issue at hand definitely earned a place in his vocabulary book of shits.

Why might you ask, why Denki was having such a rough time? Well, he was about to find that out for himself, the moment he stepped into the classroom.

Kaminari was just about forced into the girls uniform by Mina. He hated it. He missed the coverage his pants gave him, and the support his blazer offered. Instead of his comfort outfit, he was given a skirt, dress shirt, and knee high socks to put on early that morning. 

He was peacefully sleeping when Mina basically kicked down his door, demanding to get Denki school ready. Looking back on it, he probably should have kicked her sorry ass back into that hallway, but it was too early, and he was too tired to refuse her. 

So there he was, decked out in the girls outfit, an uncomfertable, yet unnoticeable amount of makeup layered on his face. He guessed that Mina went easy and gave him more of a neutral look instead of a flashy one. Denki was too petty to feel thankful.

 "Shit! We're late!" Mina hissed, slinging her school bag over her shoulder as she dragged Denki out of the dormitorys. 

 "It's your fault."

 "You got a stick up your ass today Kami, and I'm going to need you to pull it out."

 " No. I think I'll leave it there, thank you very much. "

Denki stayed true to his words, his usually welcoming demeanor converted to a more closed off, anxious one. Kaminari pulled down at the edge of his skirt, not accustomed to the new article of clothing. It felt too lose, too open. 

He also wasn't used to the sudden weight added to the front of his chest. It transformed his sitting position, forcing him to overcome the issue by leaning against his desk.

 The height difference was still throwing him off. The lucky charms that sat atop the highest shelf normally wouldn't be a problem, he used to snatch it easily without batting an eye lid. And now he couldn't even touch it on his tippy toes. He was forced to ask Bakugo to reach the box of cereal for him. 

Luckily, he managed to avoid all contact with most of the boys of the class, only talking to the girls and his squad. Of course, Mineta probably blabbered to the rest of the class with the false information that there was a new girl.

Well they were in for a surprise.

Mina managed to drag him through the door right as the bell rang, Aizawa closing the door behind them. Every one was in their seats, Iida shot Bakugo a scalding look from across the room. If Denki had to guess, then Bakugo probably disobeyed school dress code. Again.

Kaminari's eyes scanned over the room. All of the students eyes were on him. Sero was the first to break the silence with snorting laughter, hanging on the edge of the desk to gain his bearings. Mina whacked him upside the head as she settled back in her seat. 

 "Sero! It is highly disrespectful to laugh at a new student!" Iida lectured, a few other kids nodding in silent agreement.

 "Yeah! And her ass is totally -" 

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