Turned Into A Kid, Conclusion

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Summary: The effects of the quirk wear off, leaving a very confused Kaminari.

The week went by fairly quickly. Little Kaminari had wormed his way through the students and staffs hearts. If the teachers were to be completely honest, they were going to miss shy cute Kaminari. Yet, without his sunshine presents, the class was considerably dull.

During classes, Denki would stay in the teachers lounge room, where there was always a teacher present. During the mornings Kaminari was a ball of energy, he would roll around on Aizawa's rolley chair, giggling in glee. Midnight would absolutely swoon over him, and Present Mic would be right beside her taking pictures.

After his lunch (they had to gently coax him to eat some of the food when he wasn't sure if he could eat or not.) He would grow tired. Of course, Aizawa grudgingly threw a blanket over the blonde when he promptly passed out on the couch. 

Once when all of the teachers were called for an emergency staff meeting and the hero course students were all busy during another quirk anylasis, they had to pull Shinsou out of class to watch him. Apparently the small blonde had also grown on him, because when the teachers got back Shinsou's hair was filled with bows. Crayons spread around them as Kaminari and Shinsou napped on the floor.

After days of Kaminari warming up to everyone, the inevitable day came. 

They were all sat in the common room that Saturday having a class meeting. Aizawa had arrived with a sleepy Kaminari in his arms, it was pretty early in the morning, so the boys drowsiness was pretty normal. But he hadn't even woken up that morning. Maybe it was his body finally canceling out the quirks effects. 

Aizawa passed Kaminari off to Kirishima, who giddly took the boy in his arms. After a few minutes of their teacher setting up lesson plans, Kaminari started whining. It wasn't a normal little kid whine, he was in pain. 

His body shook as he seemed to grow larger. Eventually he grew out of his clothes, so Bakugo quickly threw a blanket over him. The class stepped back slightly as Kirishima placed his friend on the couch, Aizawa stepped foward.

Once he grew to full size, he whimpered in pain, holding his arms close to himself, still shivering. He cracked his eyes open in confusion as he sat up, the blanket being considerate and not falling off of his frame.

 "Guys? What the fuck. Why do my limbs feel like they've been pulled off of me." Kaminari blinked away the pain, holding his head. 

 Their teacher shot a look to the rest of the class, they got the memo and left, only Kirishima and Bakugo remained. They sat on either side of him, Aizawa remained sitting in front of him.

 "Kaminari, what's the last thing you remember?" The teacher asked, patiently waiting for the blonde to catch his bearings. 

 Kaminari squinted in confusion, looking to his two friends. " Uhh, I was at the store, but I don't remember what I was getting- oh! I was getting cat food for that poor cat that kept showing up at the dorms! " 

Aizawa nodded, handing Kaminari clothes that Sero grabbed as soon as Kaminari started to grow. Kaminari thanked him, sliding on his shirt. The other three pointedly looked away as he put on his sweatpants. 

 "So... Is anyone gonna tell me what happend?" 

 "You were turned into a six year old for a week, you were a fucking twerp." Bakugo answered with a huff. 

 " Aww, but Bakugo you were little Kami's favorite, it was so manly when you cooked him food and let him hide behind you! " Kirishima exclaimed with a sly smirk. Causing Bakugo to flush in a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

Kaminari's eyes widend, looking in panic between the three who only stared back at him. 

 "You were a lot...diffrent as a kid." Aizawa started, Kaminari could already feel his lunch rise up to his throat. " Kaminari, we're you abused? " 

The blonde looked down in disappointment, letting out a shuddering sigh. "Yes. I-i lived in America for the first four or so years of my life. Moved to Japan with my Aunt and Uncle." He did not intend on sharing anymore. He bit his lip, drawing blood.

 "Kami... We know your Aunt and Uncle weren't fit to be gaurdians. We know your in foster care." Kirishima said, his last sentence reduced to a whisper. He rubbed Kaminari's shoulder.

 " Look" Kaminari's eyes flashed with anger, and intense sadness. "I know I didn't have the best childhood, but I'm okay now. Please, don't worry about me. If this changes your opinion on if I should be in this class, then there's nothing I can do." 

 Aizawa looked taken back, not expecting the small outburst. "Kaminari" he placed both hands on his shoulder firmly, making him look up to meet his eyes. "In no way does this effect my opinion on where you stand right now. I'm sure your friends can all agree with you." 

 Bakugo's nod was almost unnoticeable, Kirishima's soothing hand moved to his back, firmly rubbing circles on his tense mucles. "Bro, don't worry about this, only us two know." The red head said, answering Denki's unasked question. 

" I... I don't remember anything from the last week. Did I do anything embarrassing!? " Kaminari rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palms. He would likely never live this down. 

Kirishima smirked as he passed Kaminari his phone, opening a photo album labeled 'Little Kami.'

Kaminari sleeping on the couch, cuddled in his Pikachu onsie.                                            Kaminari being held by Bakugo while he angrily flipped off the camera.                          Mina getting her hair done by an awestruck Kaminari.                                                              Sero and Kaminari taping Mineta to a wall, Kaminari clapped his hands in glee.          Bakugo giving a prideful smirk as Kirishima taught Kaminari how to zap Mineta          All Might giving Kaminari a piggyback ride as the other teachers swooned over him   Eri and Kaminari giving each other shy smiles as they shook hands.                                Shinsou and Kaminari asleep on the teaching lounge couch.

Kaminari cringed as he flipped through the photos. He never liked how he looked, especially as a kid. His electric hair caught much attention.

But, despite the disgust, another feeling rose to his chest. Kaminari clapped a hand over his mouth as tears fell onto Kirishima's phone screen. 

 "Y-you guys. I-i was never a-a happy child." He smiled shakily, looking up to meet each of their gazes. " B-but I'm s-smiling in all of these. I-i never smiled. " He sniffled, rubbing his tears away to intensify his smile. "Thank you, f-for giving my last self h-happyness. Y-you were better than my real f-family. You guys, y-you are my family."

 True to his words, they brought happiness to a kid who had never felt it in his young life. His friends could be real shitty sometimes, but in the most loving way possible. They had a right to have their squabbles and moments, because after all, they were a big, barley functional family.

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