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A\N: I'm not dead bitches!!! Writers block... is Killing me. I will make this chapter but now my attention is more on Bakugou and Kirishima, so I may write other stories for them. Anyways, me and my friends made a joint tiktok account for the weebs! We're 11K strong. Our user is.


I'm the ugly💅 one of the group (brown hair, green eyes) and make the mha content. 

Anyways I'm very sorry for not updating for months. Still not sure if I can keep this going but I'll try! 

Kaminari never really understood the concept of birthday partys. Maybe that was because he never got any himself growing up, he wouldn't say that it was an unwelcome thought. In fact, when he was younger he dreamed of colorful baloons, silky streamers, and those cardboard party hats with the little pompoms on top.

But as he grew older he separated himself from that certain fantasy, it would only bring pain to himself every year his special day remained forgotten.

This year shouldn't have been any diffrent. 

So why was he faced with the sight of party tools pulled from his very imagination now? 


 "Its the day guys, c'mon!" Mina whined, pulling dramatically at Sero's arm to lug him off of the common rooms couch. 

 " Mina, it's too early for this" Sero groaned, letting her pull him from his laying position on the cushions. 

 "Brighten up! We need to start planning." She retorted, plopping down on her claimed seat where Sero once sat. 

 " I feel like your more excited for Kaminari's birthday than you were your own" Kirishima yawned, rubbing as his eyes.

Before she could respond Bakugou slapped a hand over her mouth. "Whatever losers, let's get this over with so I can go back to fucki'n sleep." He muttered, mellowed out by his stolen sleep. 

 Thus the plans were set into action, with the approval of Aizawa, of course. They wouldn't want a dorm wide fire to be set again. Sero and Bakugou would stay back to oversee that the proper preparations were made while Mina and Kirishima would drag Kaminari out to the nearby ice cream shop. 

Luckily, it was a weekend so they had a lot of time. Most of the students requested to stay the weekend just for his Birthday party, even some of the staff agreeing to help. 

Denki woke up feeling like he was forgetting something. Just what exactly it was, he never got to figure out since Mina burst through his door without even knocking. Kirishima trailing behind her with a smile too bright for a Sunday morning. 

Whatever, he would remember later. 

 "Morning! Mind if we steal you today? We're going to the ice cream shop if you wanted to tag along?" The redhead offered as Denki wiped the sleep from his face. The sun outside was already climbing high. He must have slept in. 

 " Ah, I'm good you guys can go-"

A shirt was thrown at his face.

 "No" Mina huffed "Your coming even if I have to drag you there myself." 

 Denki shrugged on the shirt, even if it was thrown from his dirty clothes pile. He needed to clean those. "Okay, gimmie a minute" he shooed the two from his room. Man, what was with them today? 

 Yet another thing to wonder.

Damn, what was he forgetting? 

It was yet another hot day, but not even the sweltering heat seemed to squash Mina and Kirishima's cheery moods. When they walked out of the dormitories Sero pulled him in a hug, congratulating him. Even Bakugou huffed out a small congratulations, but only after making him change out his shirt for a clean one. 

Kaminari centric oneshots (whump, fluff, angst)Where stories live. Discover now