Kaminari's Flu

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Summary: Kaminari comes down with a bad case of the flu, Kirishima and Bakugo try their best to help their friend.

At first it was too hot.

Then it was too cold.

Geez, was Kaminari's first thought as he woke up, is this what Todoroki feels like? 

The only thing Kaminari could do for himself was kick his blankets off, but cuddle into them a moment later.

He didn't need a thermometer to tell that he had a raging fever. 

He lay there, too drowsy to cancel his alarm clock. He couldn't do much of anything at the moment besides moan in pain. He curled in on himself as a wave of nausea bubbled at the base of his throat. As a sickening sensation forcefully lodged its way through his throat, he flailed his limbs off of the bed hoplessly. 

His body crashed painfully to the floor, forcing a sharp yell from Kaminari. Knowing that there were no restrooms in the dorms, he crawled to the trash can in the corner of his room.

He curled himself like a koala around the small trash can, whimpering in pain.


Kirishima got up at his usual time, sleepy trudging down the stairs. He waved to a few of his classmates, none of the proclaimed 'Bakusquad' were down there yet, so he made small talk with Hagakure while making coffee.

Halfway through his cup, there was a loud thump from the room above them.

It was from Kaminari's room.

He figured he just fell out of his bed, but couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in his gut. He made his way to Denki's dormroom, brushing off Hagakure's concern. 

He knocked on his best friends room, but he didn't answer. After a few more failed attempts, he just pushed the doorknob to get inside.

His red eyes met with Kaminari's golden ones, tears springing at the corner of them. The blonde was hanging on to a trashcan like it was his lifeline, heaving violently.

Kirishima's eyes widened in panic as he rushed across the room to help his friend. He sunk down to his knees next to Kaminari, brushing his hands through his tangled hair gently while running circles around his back.

Kaminari's white tank top was see through with sweat, making it harder that Kirishima had to see his stomach muscles convulse. 

 Once done throwing up all of yesterday's meals, Denki went limp against Kirishima's chest. He wasn't sure if he was sobbing or not, but Kirishima's soft hands filed through his hair, soft words keeping him grounded.

After a while his breathing slowed back to normal. Kaminari was sweating through his clothes, yet he was shivering. Kirishima wrapped his arms around him for warmth.

Kaminari's body ached. It wasn't the stinging ache he got when he overused his quirk. It was a slow, burning ache that he had never felt before.

He let out a few whimpers.

Kirishima gritted his teeth, he had to get Kaminari up, but he was in no condition to walk. He knew Mina and Sero would panic in this situation, so he grabbed his phone from his pocket to call Bakugo.

Bakugo answered on the third ring.

 "Shitty hair." He greeted, voice deep from sleep.

 " Hey Bakugo i-i need your help. "

Kaminari groaned some more in pain.

"What kind of messed up shit are you doing this early in the morning!? "

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