Turned to a kid

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Summary: Due to an unfortunate quirk accedent, Kaminari is turned into a kid. The class learn some unsettling things about the class clown.

Over the weekend was when people usually left to visit family, with an exception of a few students who never usually left the dorms. Kaminari was one of those students. Of couse, he would leave from time to time to visit the empty apartment to spruce it up, even though he knew that no one was coming home. 

No one asked why he chose to stay at the dorms, they didn't really notice. A lot of times he would go out with the Bakusquad, but this weekend was not one of those weekends. He was going to kick back in his dorm room in his PJs, and sleep. 

Of course, that was until he ran into the cat. 

The cat sat at the U.S. Dormatory's doorsteps, swishing its yellow tail back and fourth. Kaminari stared at it for a few seconds before shutting the door. Its too early in the morning for this. 

Unfortunantly, Kaminari's kind soul would not allow an animal to starve, so he slipped on a hoodie and sweatpants, headed for the supermarket a few miles away. Of course, the campus granted his permission to leave on a trip that should have only taken half an hour.

It took more than half an hour.

Aizawa and Yamada were at a school meeting, discussing new rules for the dorms. Overall, it was a civil meeting that neither pages attention to, until a notification fired throughout the room, catching all of their attentions.

Aizawa sighed before putting his coffee down, fingering around his pockets for his phone. Hizashi looked over his shoulder, probably too lazy to get his own damn phone out.

Unknown quirk fired at local supermarket, a gas substance that effects everyone in the general facility. Heros requested immediatly.

The others looked up, muttering to themselves, but Shota's eyes remained glued to the phone screen, reading it once, twice, three times to make sure that his eyes were not deceiving him. Then it clicked on his mind, the reason he felt so panicked. 

He jolted up, his chair squeaking across the floor, Mic was thrown off of him. 

 "Shota, warm me next time you need to go to the restroom, geez. Dont just throw me off of you." The blonde complained from the floor, rubbing his nose. The other teachers looked to him in question.

 "One of my students filed in a request to go to that store not too long ago." 

 Principle Nezu nodded gravely from his high chair. "You and Present Mic must resolve the situation immediatly. Call in if you need assistance, brief us on the situation when handled."

 Aizawa didn't need orders, he was already dragging his partner through the door in haste to get to their car. Mic blasted the news on the situation as Aizawa drove, hand tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Apparently  a little kid has freaked out, and wasn't able to control their quirk. No one could go inside because of the gas that would leak out.

At least another one of his students wasn't going to get kidnapped.

A hand was placed over his own on the steering wheel, Hizashi giving him a comferting smile as they violently pulled up to the police cars surrounding the cars. Aizawa rolled his eyes at the sight, they had their guns up like the kid was a villan.

He stepped in front of the barrier of cars, gesturing for them to lower their wepons. The police force reluctantly looked to each other before following the order.

 "Here's What s going to happen, I am going to erase the kids quirk and you are going to send medics in with gas mask to check on the citizens conditions, Present Mic will help with the media." He announced, eyes darting over the crowd of police and paramedics. They all nodded shaky in response. Eraser head had that effect on people.

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