Cat Issues

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A\N: So my phone broke, and all of my notes and story planning are gone. So if you requested a story and I haven't written it yet then comment it down so I can add it to my new phone! Sorry for the inconvenience <3

If Kaminari knew he was going to be transformed into a cat that Friday evening, then he would have never offered to take the movie night snack run to the corner store before it closed. 

Really, who ever expected to be turned into a damn cat.

Maybe if he was a strong fighter like Bakugo, or a tactile planner like Yaoyorozu, then he could have escaped the situation. Unfortunately, he was Denki Kaminari. Not the smartest, or the brightest in the batch of rising heros. 

It happened fast. 

One second he was exiting the twenty-four hour corner store, plastic bags filled with diabete inducing snacks in hand. Then the next he was falling to the concrete below him, having run into a broad shoulder. 

 "I'm so-" 

The words never managed to escape his mouth, the rest of the sentence was garbled by a strange feeling in his throat. The feeling spread, paralyzing his body. Denki lifted his head from the pavement in a pitiful attempt to call for help, all that came out was a yowling sound, the slaps of the dudes shoes against the sidewalk echoed away. 

He finally closed his heavy eyelids after a moment of struggle, letting blissful sleep take over.


The next time he awoke, he no longer felt the unforgiving pavement underneath him, instead, replaced with a soft cushion. 


He cracked open an eye. 

Was everything this color before? 

The first thing he noticed was the room. It appeared to be a living room setting, a large couch, a matching rug, wooded floors completed with the fireplace under the TV, giving it more of a homey feel.

The second thing he noticed, with abject horror, was a paw. A paw that wasn't his, even if he could control its movement, there was no way. Because he was a human, and humans had hands

Yet, humans didn't have cat bodies, and here he was. 

To his credit, Kaminari didn't freak out as much as he would have in the beginning of the year, though he couldn't avoid the startled meow that escaped him as he fell from his throne of pillows. 

With newfound reflexes, he landed on the floor on all fours, light fur- almost yellow- stood on end.  The coffee table suddenly looked like a mountain from his new position, the vantage point on top of the couch had been much better. 

 "Papa! He's awake!" 

 In any other situation, the gleeful screech of a little girl would make Kaminari happy, but not in this one. In this one, his ears drooped down as he back peddled into the couch in attempts not to be seen. 

Spoiler alert, it didn't work. 

Little hands roughly grabbed him by the scruff, hauling him back up to his previous position. That was when he got a good look at the little girl. White hair, bright red eyes, toothy smile, and- Oh shit, that was Eri.

Kaminari only met the little girl one time before, at the dorm party that Aizawa had respectfully let them throw. Kirishima filled their little group in on the details of the mission he was sent on and Eri's tragic upbringing. Kaminari felt sympathy for the girl, he really did. He knew what it was like to have a toxic household. He was just happy that she got the chance at a normal childhood now, being able to his grow up under Aizawa's wing.

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