Winter Break

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Summary: Kaminari has bad parents. He decides to stay at the dorms during winter break, but so do Bakugo and Kirishima, who notice his off putting behavior and take it upon themselves to find out what's wrong with their friend. 

A\N: Someone requested Aizawa, Bakugo, and Kirishima finding out about Kaminari's shitty parents. Y'all asked, so you shall reveive. 

Aizawa wasn't stupid. He prided himself on his ability to read people, after all, most of his students were open books. They wore their hearts on their sleeves. Or at least, that's what Shota thought applied for Class 1-A's resident idiot.

Maybe if he had been approached on this subject sooner, then he would have noticed. Kaminari was an outgoing student, sure he could have his moments, but he covered for his flashy personality and drive. So, to see his student so... Out of his element was a bit suprising. 

Shota studied his student who stood In front of his desk. Kaminari avoided eye contact, fingers curling around the hem of his blazer as he mumbled under his breath. 

Aizawa arched an eyebrow, leaning foward to place his elbows on his desk, clasping his hands together. "Your going to have to speak up, Kaminari."

 The students face contorted into a slightly more uncomfertable expression, fingers moving to twiddle with the strap of his school bag that wound across his chest. By now, the classroom had been filled out, the previous inhabitants excited chatter disappeared down the hallway.

 "I know it's a little late for asking," his golden eyes finally lifted to meet Shouta's. "But I need to stay at the dorms during winter break." 

 "... May I ask why?" 

 Kaminari's eyes widened, "it's nothing big, my parents are just a little busy." 

 Aizawa would have called the student out on his bull shit, but his nervous attitude would probably only escalate more if he asked another question. So instead, he leaned back down in his seat. 

True, it was beyond late to request a stay on the schools campus, winter break started... In two minutes to be exact. Students would be getting picked up within a matter of hours. But he couldn't bring himself to saying no.

 "You can stay, but he sure to come to me sooner if your going to ask to stay at the dorms again." Aizawa's deep gaze locked onto his students. " You should know that I need to email your parents. " Denki flinched a little at the mention of his parents before catching his slip up by nodding. 

Weird. Aizawa didn't know the extents of his students situation, but he would need to look into it.


Denki was glad that he got that over with, even if it was last minute. He fully expected for Aizawa to send him home with extra work for his 'irresponsibly.' Kaminari would have asked him sooner if he didn't decide to stay only until last minute.

In the locker room before he was changing into his hero costume, his phone buzzed on the bench. The room was bustling with activity, people planning to have hang outs over the break. Denki tried not to let it get to him that no one cared approach him with any plans. He was the annoying one who couldn't do shit. Quoted from his mother.

Of course, the text were not very happy ones. Not like he was expecting any anyways. Just his dad telling him to get his ass home so he could clean the house. And his Mom begging him to try her new recipies. He knew the subliminal messages hidden underneath those texts.

'Get your ass home so I can hit you for your shitty cleaning.'

'Don't expect a warm welcome with food when you get home. Clean and study.' 

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