Prologue- A New Beginning

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~{???- 2:53PM}~

A woman frantically ran through corridors of white halls that were lit up by the red lights of blazing sirens. Her ears were getting pierced by the loud ringing of the alarms while she ran as fast as she could, not looking back out of worry of something being there. She was a young woman with long, dark brown hair that went down past her shoulders but tied into a ponytail with a green bandana. She wore circular glasses with brown frames and her brown eyes matched these frames even with the current look of panic in them. She had a lab coat on that was visibly torn by claw marks, clearly the marks of a pokemon.

In her arms was an unconscious boy of about four years of age. He had short brown hair and was only wearing a white hospital gown that was visibly burnt, yet the boy's skin seemed fine.

The woman took a sharp left down the hall before she heard some commotion up ahead. She stopped running and ran into the first room on the right, just a storage room where she remained still and listened to the outside despite the alarms still ringing.

She heard a squad of people running and stopping right beside the room she was in.

"Did you find her yet!?" One asked.

"Negative, sir. We only know she went through here."

"Then what are you waiting for!? That means she's still running ahead! Get going!"

She heard them start running again, knowing well who they were searching for.

She felt the boy in her arms start to move, looking down at him to see that he was still unconscious, but was making a face of pain with some small tears in the corner of his eyes.

The boy whimpered, and the woman hugged him close while caressing his brown hair.

"Shhhhh... It's okay, Victor. Mommy is gonna get us out of here. Then we'll have a normal life. You'll make friends like you wanted. You don't worry about a thing, baby... I'll get us out."

She took a deep breath and listened outside, waiting as more people passed by. The first chance of hearing no one, she bolted out of the room and kept on running through the halls.

"Keep running... Just keep going!" She panted as she turned another corner and started heading for the stairs.

But then two lab staff came into view with a Salandit and Manectric with them.

"There she is!" One of the staff pointed.

The woman gasped and screeched to a halt.

The other staff pointed a palm, "Salandit, use Flamethrower!"

"Salandit!" The pokemon opened its mouth and released a burst of flames hurtling at the woman.

Her eyes widened, but she dashed out of the way of the flames and continued down another path of the lab she was in.

"Hey! You could've killed them! Remember, we need both alive!" She heard one of them shout from behind.

She heard their rapid footsteps behind her.

"Manectric, use Quick Attack to catch her!"

"Manectric!" The electric pokemon started glowing white and suddenly sped forward must faster than before.

The woman heard them and gritted her teeth, then using only one arm to hold her child as she used the other to pull out what seemed to be a repel of the sort, yet it had a pin on it rather than a nozzle. She used her teeth to pull the pin and tossed it back.

Manectric was nearly catching up when the repel rolled in front of it and went off, exploding with a thick mist of orange.

"Nyah!" Manectric let out a growl as the substance seemed to sting it, especially in its eyes. This caused it to mess up it's running and crash to the ground.

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