The Starting Line

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~{Battle Cafe-7:01PM}~

"It's good to have you on the team, Midori!" Victor welcomed his newly acquired Ralts with a smile.

"Ralts!" Midori happily cried on the table.

"Let's get stronger together, Luna!" Gloria welcomed her own alternate colored Ralts to her team.

The female Ralts nodded, although not looking too sure about it. Truth be told, she had accepted Gloria's proposition to go with her on the spot out of fear that Victor wouldn't accept another Ralts, especially since he seemed to really like the male one. The other part of her did wonder if Gloria could help with her interest to properly thank the Ralts that had saved her, but she just met this girl, so she couldn't be sure if things would go well.

Ace hopped over to Midori and shook his hand to welcome him. Twilight only bowed a little in respect.

As for Luna, she backed up nervously when Bolt, Ziggy, Bubbles, and Plush came near her happily, avoiding any contact with them.

"It might take time for her to get used to everyone..." Gloria glanced at Victor while more internal troubles came up. "Now that I think about it... This Ralts is special... Ain't she? And it seems like Victor would be the better person for helping her get out of her shell... Should I really be the one to have it? I know I said I'd help her get closer with her friend and all, but I haven't even... g-gotten like 'that' with Victor yet, so how could I help her?"

Luna noticed Gloria's unsure gaze, making her feel somewhat discouraged.

It seems like there were gonna be problems from the start.

"Let's start heading for the Budew Inn. I think we should relax and get some sleep for the ceremony tomorrow." Victor said as he pushed his chair back and stood up.

"Eh? Oh! Alright." Gloria fumbled as she took out all her pokeballs and returned her pokemon.

She was going to return Luna into her pokeball, but stopped as she saw her new pokemon's uncomfortable gaze.

She lowered the pokeball and formed a comforting smile. "You know what...? I'ma let ya stay out for a while. Let's warm up to each other."

Luna looked somewhat relieved.

Twilight perched himself onto Victor's backpack, Ace hopped off the table, and Victor picked up Midori before gently placing him on the floor.

Gloria raised an eyebrow, "Hey Victor, why don't you ever put your pokemon back in their pokeballs?"

Victor turned to her, "Well, since I know that they'll get bigger in the future, I thought it'd be nice to let them out as much as they could for now. After all, if they get big, then all of them won't be able to just walk alongside me."

He glanced at his three pokemon, who all nodded.

"And they all seem pretty quiet and well mannered, so I don't think they'd bother anyone if I kept them out."

"Ah, I see. I kinda want to keep all my pokemon out. But compared to Bubbles and this here Luna, my other pokemon are pretty energetic and keep wanting to move around..." Gloria pouted.

She reached down to pick up Luna, but the pokemon flinched and inched back.

"Ah! Sorry... I'll... Wait till you're ready." Gloria said with her hands up in surrender, then forming a sad smile.

"How about you carry her in your leather backpack?" Victor pointed out.

"Hm?" Gloria grabbed her backpack from the floor and put it on the table, opening the main pocket and looking to see if there was enough space in it.

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