The Galar Mines

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~{Route 3- 9:43 AM}~

The interior of Victor's tent had a shade of red as the boy let out a long yawn, also slipping on his favorite gray beanie given to him from Hop so long ago.

"Ugh... I'm never going to get used to waking up..." He muttered as he slipped on new socks.

Ace stretched his arms and legs out while Twilight was already heading outside of the red tent. Midori, on the other hand, was already gone. He had woken up much earlier than the group and was already going outside.

Victor slipped on his shoes and let out another yawn, "I'd better clean up those dishes from yesterday..."

He folded up his sleeping bag and proceeded to pull himself out of his tent.

He got out and rubbed his eyes, then stretching his arms up.

"Goooooood morning wooooooooorld!!!!"

He shouted that proudly into what he expected to be an empty area, only for him to fully open his eyes and be shocked by what he saw in front of him.

All the dishes from yesterday were stacked neatly on top of each other, with nearly all the pokemon Victor had served right beside them.

Zigzagoons, Machops, Growlithes, and more add sat happily as if having waited for the boy to wake up and come out. Midori was beside some of these pokemon smiling as he stared at his trainer.

Victor had to do a double-take and rub his eyes to see if what he saw was actually real.

"Eh? You... You guys cleaned up for me?"

The crowd of pokemon let out a mixture of nods and happy cries.

Ace looked shocked by the politeness of these random pokemon, half-expecting them all to run away by the time they had woken up. There were indeed signs of many pokemon leaving, but it was still surprising to see how many of them stayed.

"Scor, scor?" He turned his head up to Victor, only to be shocked by his trainer's face, "Scor!?!"

Victor had bubbly eyes and was comedically crying rivers of tears.

"Awwwww! You guys are so sweet!!!" He dived at the pokemon, hugging group by group of them with small noises of happiness.

Ace, Twilight, and Midori sweatdropped.

Victor kept hugging the groups until he saw the five Rolycolys from yesterday hanging out beside the two Panchams and Growlithe, all of which, looking cheerful and healthy.

He smiled, "So you guys are friends now?"

"Pan! Pancham!" One of the playful pokemon cheered.

"Good! I'm so happy!" Victor clapped his hands together. "Thank goodness I was able to help you guys!"

His eyes then widened as he recalled something important.

"Oh, that's right!!"

He got up and looked around to make sure all the pokemon were paying attention to him.

"I want a favor from all of you!"

He raised a finger up.

"For any of you traveling around, I just want you to spread the word to pokemon all over the Galar Region! Tell them this-!"

He paused to make sure no humans were around, then turning back to the pokemon.

"Tell them that the boy who can understand pokemon won't refuse to help anyone! The boy with the gray-beanie named Victor will be traveling all over Galar to become the World Champion and help out all pokemon! If they have something they need help with, then I'll be sure to help them!"

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