The Power Of The Flames

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(Mimikyu sitting on a seat within a flying bus)

Soooooooo yeah, I don't know how I ended up here...

(Glances around at several other individuals dressed either weird or looking the same.)

But apparently I'm waiting to be... deployed? I don't really know for sure. I just know I'm supposed to be the last one 'alive.' Well, I guess while I wait here, I can go over our previous chapter of Victor's adventure.

I think we all know how to summarize that previous chapter, just... HNNNNGGH! Marnie too precious but strong. And although Victor is the gentleman he always is, it seems that there's some danger coming to him from a Gym Leader out of everyone. I wonder how that's gonna end up? And what's he gonna do right now? Let's find out!

(Door to bus opens up, where people then start jumping off)

Welp, I guess this is my stop.

(Put's on backpack)



~{Budew Inn-7:31AM}~

"Always gotta be up and early, just like Lee says!"

Despite just saying this, Hop yawned as the elevator doors opened in the lobby, the boy walking out with Conga beside him sleepily like his trainer.

"My body doesn't seem to agree with me, though..." The champion's little brother mumbled as he started walking past the receptionist's desk.

"Ah, Gym Challenger Hop! Up rather early, aren't you?" The man behind the desk waved.

Hop sleepily turned to the man before shaking his head and slapping his cheeks with both hands to wake himself up.

He then grinned as he walked over.

"Yup! I wanna get ahead in this challenge as soon as possible! I've been training my pokemon nonstop yesterday, and now I want to finally put them to the test against Kabu! Ain't that right, Conga?"

His grass starter looked to have completely woken up as he raised both sticks in the air.

"Thwackey! Thwack!" Conga shouted confidently.

The receptionist clapped proudly, "Oh how I do look forward to watching your battle from here, it'll make this morning have at least some excitement."

"Thank you, I'll make sure you get an amazing battle from me!" Hop beamed. "Oh yeah! Can I ask you something?"

"If it's within my knowledge to answer."

So Hop asked, "Have you seen Victor come through here?"

"Ah yes, Gym Challenger Victor." The receptionist remembered. "He actually arrived rather late yesterday night."

"He did?" Hop grinned to hear that his friend caught up with him and Gloria.

"Why yes, he arrived carrying Gym Challenger Marnie."

"Oh! Marnie too!? That's great- Wait a second." Hop suddenly had a straight-faced expression. "What do you mean 'carrying' her?"

The receptionist chuckled, "Well, Victor arrived carrying Marnie here. She was unconscious, though... I don't really know why."

"And... didn't you ask him why he was carrying her?"

"Oh please, if she was with Gym challenger Victor, then she'll be fine. And I'm sure someone from Spikemuth can protect themselves anyway."

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