Motostoke's Offers

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(Mimikyu standing around a table of differently colored crewmates)

Hey everybody! Good to see you all again! As I've said, chapters are taking longer than usual to do because of school, yippee. Luckily, I'm still using some of my time to write, especially since my classes aren't too bad. But yeah, I'm surprised that I'm bringing out chapters this long and in this amount of time, because I honestly think it would take other people so much longer to post chapters with much thought and length into it.

(Crew members split, with Mimikyu heading down.)

So anyway, in the previous chapter of ya boi's journey, we had the rest of the squad finish their battles against Motostoke's burning Gym Leader, Kabu, and they've done it! We left at our favorite model and baby-faced man showing up to spend some quality screentime with our group! What will they do with their time? Where will they go? What's going on with Bea now that she's lost? Let's find out!

(Walks in electrical and sees red crew next to cyan crew corpse)



You serious? We... We literally just started.


~{Motostoke Streets-11:25AM}~

"Aw, man... I ended up missing it!" Victor pouted as he stared down at his phone while moping.

"I can't believe we forgot about Leon's exhibition battle..." Hop sighed from Victor's right, also on his Rotom phone to only see the battle results.

"I guess we were all just kinda focused on beating Kabu." Gloria muttered from Victor's left.

"Pay attention to where you're walking, young challengers. You don't want to run into something, do you?" Kabu grinned from the front of the pack.

Nessa came from behind Victor with a grin and rustled his hair through his beanie, "Come on now, you could always watch his battle later on Galar's main page."

Victor rose his head and fixed his beanie while Gloria stared at Nessa with a dead gaze. "But I like watching Leon's battles live. Otherwise, I end up getting anxious while watching and get tempted to skip to make it faster! Sometimes, I even just skip to the end because I can't take it anymore!"

"It be like that sometimes." Milo chuckled.

"I-I don't usually feel nervous watching Leon battle... I just accept that he'll always win... until he faces me, that is." Marnie timidly added.

"Heh, you can beat him after I become champion." Hop grinned.

"As if you'll be it." Gloria rolled her eyes.

"So cold!" Hop deadpanned.

The group walked through the streets of Motostoke, or in Kabu's case, jogged through. Passerbys couldn't help but be surprised as they eyed all the unique individuals coming by. After all, three of Galar's Gym Leaders walking with the three children endorsed by the champion is quite the sight. Not only that, but it was even more shocking to see Marnie, one of Spikemuth's considered ringleaders, also accompanying the group.

"Alright, you young lads and lassies! We're here!" Kabu came to an abrupt stop and turned on his heels so that he faced the group behind him, waving a hand to present their destination.

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