Hard To Be Worth Something

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(A Mimikyu stands in a giant field blessed with greenery, palm trees, waterfalls, sloped cliffs, looping terrain, and checkered brown soil. He gazes off in the distance, watching as a blue blur zooms across the landscape.)

Hmm... How do I even get to these places?

(Turns around)

OH! Um, hi! I'm back! After... holy shit has it been that long? Oof, but I guess that's kinda expected with whats been going on with me. *Ahem* So first off, just an update about myself and life; I managed to finish the school quarter! Getting through all my readings, essays, and final exams, ending off in a pretty good note! Woohoo! And then I actually got back into shiny hunting pokemon on sword and shield, which, um... sort of made it harder for me to write even when I muti-tasked, lol.

I don't regret it one bit! I got myself all three of the original shiny Regis and even I even got shiny Regieleki! Gonna make sure I get that Drago and Gigas to complete the line! :D I also got pokemon Scarlet! Although I haven't actually started playing it yet, lol, but I LOVE the memes I've seen about Nemona, loved what the community interpreted her as.

But lets move on to what happened last time!


Wait, shoot, what even did happen last time!? It's been too long!

(Pulls out papers and flips through them.)

Okay, Gloria decided to make Marnie a menace, Victor got into contact with the Internet Explorer man, Bede and Hop are angry, *gasp!* And the world's favorite champion showed up!

(Tosses papers behind him)

We're all caught up! I'm sure you're excited to see what happens next! I know I am, and I wrote the thing! I do have something to announce at the end though, so I'd appreciate it if afterward read the post-notes! Enjoy!

(Blue blur blazes by so fast it sends Mimikyu flying off towards the large body of water in the distance.)



~{Northern Stony Wilderness- 4:21PM}~

Victor sat patiently on one of the many rocks of the Stony Wilderness, staring longingly at the remains of his red shirt that had been torn from his sudden burst of power. Tesla had gone back to sleeping in his backpack while Ace and Twilight stood on nearby stones, simply overlooking the area. As for Midori, the Kirla was seated beside his trainer, waiting while occasionally giving him a worried glance.

Victor didn't pay him any mind, though. He was more focused on the path of destruction he had caused from his 'max' move. The large trench he had created was rather unnerving to see, especially considering what it had done to his arm. He was lucky Hop, Gloria, and Marnie had already traveled far enough to where they weren't in range to see his latest attack; otherwise, there was no doubt they all would've returned to find him out of worry.

Colress had said it wouldn't be long before he arrived at his location, seeing as he was flying using his Magnezone. So all Victor had to do now was wait for the man to show up before he'd explain just what had happened.

And after waiting for nearly fifteen minutes after his call with the scientist had ended, the man's figure slowly came into view in the distance.

"Subject Victooooooor!" Colress shouted with a wave as if reuniting with an old friend he hadn't seen for years. His smile looked so genuine that Victor had almost waved back on instinct, only to remind himself that this was still a guy working for the world's most notorious organization.

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