Nighttime Meetings

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(Mimikyu walks through a dark forest with tall trees all alone, shining a flashlight ahead.)

Well, this is creepy. Can't say I enjoy walking around here even if I'm a ghost type. But anyway, so last time on ya boy's adventure, Victor had a nice meal with Galar's Chairman, his blunt uncaring secretary, and the ginger beauty. It went well, but... Shouldn't that blackout have meant something? Oh, then Victor met with Bede in the mines, then they battled! Of course, he beat him, because pfft it's Victor, after all? But what' gonna happen now? Who else are they gonna meet in the mines? Let's see how the story progresses.

(Seeing a tree with a paper on it.)


(Rag hand reaches and picks it up, reading it.)

"You Suck."




~{Galar Mines- 9:45PM}~

"Watch your step." Victor pointed.

"Wha-? I-I mean, I can obviously see it!" Bede snapped, narrowly avoiding stepping on a sleeping Galarian Stunfisk camouflaged on the ground.

"To your left." Victor casually pointed again.

Bede nearly tripped as he frantically stopped his foot and turned his body to avoid another Stunfisk.

"You're welcome."

"No, thank you! I saw it already!" Bede shouted again.

"Uh-huh." Victor sighed as he and his pokemon rolled their eyes, knowing that wasn't the case.

Bede and Victor continued to walk deeper into the Galar Mines No.2, the innocent young man following the arrogant teen through the beautiful areas illuminated by crystals. They've been walking for about five minutes since their battle, and Bede was already getting irritated once more.

"Would you stop following me!?!" The platinum-haired teen fumed.

"Oh come on, Bede. I've got to follow this path to get through the mines too! Plus, all your pokemon are knocked out, so it'd be dangerous if you got into trouble without them!" Victor told him.

"I don't need you here! If you don't have any Wishing Stars, then I have no use of you!" Bede huffed, marching ahead.

Victor just continued to follow him as Ace and Midori followed behind with frowns.

"I didn't find any yet... But maybe I can right now!"

"Hmph, as if. I've already spent the entire day looking through every corner of these mines. I doubt you'd find any before I did." Bede scoffed.

There was a moment of silence between the two, with Victor looking around him to see if he could somehow conveniently spot any Wishing Stars.

"So... Bede? How was trainer school for you?" Victor asked curiously.

Bede just remained silent, continuing to walk.

Victor focused on Bede with a frown, but his stare turned into a curious look as he saw the boy have a familiar golden watch.

"Hey, doesn't Rose have that same watch? Did you get it from him?"

Bede stopped and turned around, pointing at Victor with a glare.

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