Journey's Continuation

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(Mimikyu at starting line of an obstacle course with 59 jellybean-like people standing near.)

Hey everyone... It's been a bit. The only thing I've really got to say about that is that life is a piece of shit that decides to give you three midterms in a day with several other small assignments and group work in the mix because school thinks that it's such a fucking good idea... I don't even feel like this chapter turned out too good, but I've thought that before yet people tell me those chapters were good. I'm not good at judging my own work.

Announcer: GO!

(Jelly bean people start running with Mimikyu just walking towards fans ahead.)

Life's just been kinda... depressing for these last weeks. Gotta think more about what I wanna do in college even though I'm already in it, because I don't even know what I wanna do... And I got weekly assignments to do that I don't feel motivated to do, and overall it just feels like a pattern happening over and over again... It ain't fun.

(Hops over swinging poles on ground as jellybean-men fly off.)

But yeah, enough rambling. You know why you're here, to see the adventure. What'll happen this time? Don't know. Is the quality good? Have no idea. I just hope you guys enjoy it.

(Get's launched by pole.)



~{East Lake Axwell-3:35PM}~

Victor once again stared in awe at the sight of the Wild Area as he came down Motostoke's steps. He grinned as he landed on the dirt of the beloved world of nature, gazing off into the distance. He saw the red beams of light coming from Raid Dens, he saw the wild pokemon traversing the land, and he saw dark clouds moving overhead.

"Looks like it's getting pretty cloudy today." Nessa remarked as she walked next to Victor and casually rested her elbow on his shoulder.

"Hello Wild Area, my old friend! I've come back stronger than before!!" Hop shouted, jumping down the stairs from Motostoke before sticking a fist up in the air.

Marnie stepped down the steps and took a deep breath of the fresh afternoon air, enjoying the feeling of it.

"It's pretty chilly." She mumbled as she looked around, seeing some trees in the distance swaying from gusts of winds.

Gloria held her bonnet on her head, thinking it would be suddenly blown away as she made it to the bottom of the steps. She was in a relatively bright mood with her big smile, thinking about spending time together with her favorite person.

"I hope we stay together for a while!" She thought as she glanced over at Victor.

Her smile immediately changed into a dead looking gaze as she saw Nessa grinning while rustling through Victor's head.

"If only she weren't here..."

"So how do we get to the northern part of the Wild Area?" Marnie asked, her usual cold expression matching the chilly air.

Nessa grinned as she stepped away from Victor and turned left, raising her arm and pointing west.

"You see that bridge waaaaaay over there?"

The group all glanced over to where Nessa was pointing, squinting their eyes as they looked along the Motostoke walls and to a brown wooden bridge over a river.

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