A Colorful Threat

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Victor produced strong winds from his hands that blew away the clouds of dust surrounding him.

What he saw was several males and females with menacing grins all staring at him. Every one of them wore a black outfit consisting of black shirts, pants, and caps. Along with this were big gray boots and gray belts where these people had their pokeballs attached.

But what was the most eye-catching about their outfits were bright R's on their chests shining with a rainbow color.

Victor's eyes widened in a mixture of fear and confusion, "Wait, aren't you guys-!?"

He didn't even get to finish as three of these attackers didn't hesitate to command their pokemon.

"Beedrill, use Pin Missile!"

"Crobat, use Air Cutter!"

"Garbodor, use Sludge Bomb!"

The three pokemon unleashed their attacks directly at Onix's head where Victor stood.

"Whoa!" Victor and his pokemon all jumped off while Onix just glared at the group and use Iron Tail, swinging his massive tail and swiping it through all three attacks easily.

"Good thing Onix's Iron Tail has an advantage against all three of those attacks." Victor thought as he landed on the ground.

"Hydro Pump!"

"Wait, hold on!" Victor shouted as he ducked under an intense stream of water from a Starmie

"These pokemon aren't from this region!!" Victor realized as he took note of the pokemon attacking him.

"Scor! Scor!" Ace kicked a small ball of fire right at a Beedrill and directly hit it, yet that just seemed to make the pokemon pissed. The rabbit pokemon struggled to jump and dodge several pokemon coming at him, not even able to counteract.

Twilight flew in the sky, dodging several projectiles and beak attacks from other flying pokemon, but visibly struggling as the already evolved flying pokemon were faster than him.

Midori was still clutching Victor's arm, looking somewhat nervous. He actually hadn't even fought in an official trainer battle yet, besides blasting Team Yell's pokemon away, so this type of spectacle was overwhelming for him. He didn't know what to do besides holding onto Victor as he jumped around.

Even the Onix was having trouble against several of these pokemon that were aiming all their attacks at his massive body.

"Onix!!" The large pokemon once again, using Iron Tail to swipe at several incoming attacks, but a Hydro Pump hit him directly and caused him to tumble back.

Victor grit his teeth as he slid to a stop on the ground, noticing how much trouble his stage one pokemon had against so many already evolved pokemon.

"Fine." He growled.

He jumped out of the way of a Flamethrower, peeling Midori off his arm while in the air and placing him on the back of his head.

"Hold on tight buddy, I'll take care of this."

Razor Leaves, a Shadow Ball, and another Flamethrower came at him the moment he landed on the ground.

To which he raised his arms up, "Protect!"

A barrier formed in front of him and took all these attacks, protecting Midori and himself as the boy took a deep breath and planned ahead.

Once letting the barrier die down, he got into a crouching position while glaring at the pokemon ahead.

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