A Meal and A Mine

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(Sits alone in an office with two doors on each side, staring at a screen with three animatronics)

Hm? Oh, hi there! Didn't see you there! I'm sure you're ready for another chapter, are you? Heh, previously, Victor finally got the smooch he deserved! Oh, and won his second badge, but meh, not important.

(Peaks at the camera screen, seeing three animatronics still there.)

Haven't move... Hm? Oh anyway, now it's time for young Victor to meet up with Chairman Rose in their promised meeting to eat! I wonder what they'll talk about? And what'll happen after that? Let's find out now!

(Looks at the screen to see only two animatronics.)


Turns left to door and turns on light, revealing a bunny robot.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah... Nope.

(Shuts door)


~{Hulbury Stadium Gym- 7:23PM}~

"Well... Ain't this a problem?"

Victor was rather overwhelmed by what he could only describe as a stampede of people. From Gym Challengers, normal citizens, and even the media had rushed into the Hulbury Gym, getting passed the league staff despite their struggles to hold them back. They had all gathered around Victor and started bombarding him with questions. Some of the group were confused, others excited, and some just straight-up furious.

"Challenger Victor! What's your relationship with Hulbury's Gym Leader, Nessa!?" A blonde, female reporter pushed through while her cameraman struggled to follow from behind.

"We met today, I helped her out with a problem, and now we're friends." Victor smiled.

"Why did Miss Nessa hug you like that!?!" An infuriated man shouted while holding a banner of the model.

"It's just some playful teasing from her, I'm sure." Victor chuckled.

"Are you and Nessa a thing!?!" A girl squealed in the crowd.

"Define 'thing.'" He replied with a question mark appearing over him.

"How can you be so close to Miss Nessa!?!" Victor saw the infuriated man with Nessa's face painted on his belly.

"I... don't really know? All I did was listen to her." Victor shrugged.

"You little-!"

"Excuse me." A voice hissed behind the crowd.

Everyone had chills and became silent as they heard the voice. Victor saw people moving from the back of the crowd and knew someone was making their way to the front, piquing his interest.

When the front line of people dispersed, Victor saw the Chairman's secretary walking through looking as cold as usual.

"Oh! Oleana!" Victor smiled to see someone familiar, even if he didn't really talk to her. "I was just gonna head over to the Captain's Table!"

Oleana stopped in front of him and sighed, "Don't say that out loud. It'll bring unwanted attention to the Chairman."

"Ah, whoops." Victor mumbled.

"So Gym Challenger Victor has a meeting with the Chairman!? May we come along and-!"

Oleana turned to the reporter and gave an intense glare, "You are not permitted to be with the Chairman, only Gym Challenger Victor was invited."

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