Leaving For Motostoke

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I like this English version of the new Pokemon (2019) anime. So I guess I'm just posting it here because I like it and am considering it as an opening for the fic for Victor now going to embark on his official adventure. Hope it sounds nice to you and show some support for these singers, I thought this version was amazing.



"Alright... So you don't like that one..." Victor sighed as he crossed out another name.

Rookidee remained patiently perched on a rock despite looking somewhat annoyed.

"We need a name that reflects your pride, a name that just gives the feeling of power!" He rose a fist in the air, "A name of elegance and sounds cool!"

Rookidee nodded in agreement at each factor while Ace was sleeping on a small patch of grass.

Victor tapped his head with his pen in frustration.

He paused.

"Hm, maybe..."

He quickly wrote something down and stared at the name from all angles.

"You know..." He smiled. "I think this is great."

Rookidee curiously stared as Victor showed him a bolded out name written on his journal.

"How about this?" His new partner smiled.

Rookidee stared at this name in wonder. He then chirped "Rookie." with a nod.

"Great! That'll be your new name!" Victor closed his notepad. "Ace! We chose a name!"

The rabbit pokemon rubbed his eyes as he woke up, then turning his head to Victor.


Victor proudly waved his hand to present Rookidee, "Introducing-!" He clapped his hands.


"..." Ace turned to the newly named Twilight and put his paws on his hips. "Scor? Scor?"

Twilight sighed, "Dee, dee..."

"What do you mean, 'that's probably the best he can do'?" Victor asked with a deadpanned expression.

Ace and Twilight rolled their eyes, "Scor..." "Rooki..." They said in unison.

"It's clearly more than nothing! It's a great name!" Victor pouted.

Ace changed the subject, "Bunny? Bunny?"

Victor turned comedically black and white in shock, "You're right! We're supposed to meet everyone else ahead!!"

He pulled out both pokeballs and returned his pokemon in them. "Sorry about this!"

He then got into a running stance before blasting forward at incredible speeds.



Hop and Gloria lazily sat on the living room couch of Professor Magnolia's house while Leon and the old Professor herself spoke in the kitchen.

"What's taking Victor so long?" Hop pouted. "Don't tell me he's trying to catch every pokemon on Route 2?"

"You know good as well as I do that he wouldn't do that... He even said so." Gloria sighed.

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