New Encounters With New Partners

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Everyone but Victor turned black and white with shadows over their eyes with the addition of a Pikachu's comedically timed Thunderbold striking in the distance.

"EHH?!?" Gloria grabbed Victor by the collar of his shirt, pulled him up, and frantically started shaking him back and forth. "What the hell ya mean that ya won't choose any of them!?"

"Urk! Gworia... Lwet gwo p*sputter*ease!" Victor choked with swirling eyes.

Even Leon seemed somewhat shocked at the sudden claim from the boy. He raised his cap and an eyebrow with a rather curious gaze, even no longer smiling.

"Are you just saying that you wanna let Hop and Gloria choose first? Or are you saying that you don't want a pokemon at all?" The champion asked him.

Gloria dropped Victor to let him speak, and the boy took a moment to catch his breath.

"N-No... I'm saying that I'm not gonna choose a pokemon and make it stay with me."

"Hm?" They all blinked.

The three starter pokemon cutely titled their heads to the side as they wondered what he meant.

Victor adjusted his beanie and put on an awkward smile. "I mean... I'd feel bad if I basically chose a pokemon's future without even knowing how they felt about it first."

Invisible punches seemed to strike the three other humans in the gut.

"Victor... Now you're making me feel terrible for having Lee catch Wooloo for me when I was little!!" Hop said with a panicked face and comedic tears going down his eyes.

"Baaaaaaa!" Wooloo tried to let Hop know that it had already wanted to be with him even before the boy had asked Lee to catch him.

"Don't worry Hop, Wooloo wanted to be with you." Victor reassured him.

"Baaaaa!!" Wooloo nodded happily.

Hop had comedic tears as he picked up the ball of fluff and hugged him tightly. "Wooloo! I love yooooooou!!!"

Wooloo sweatdropped as it used a small hoove to pat Hop.

Gloria looked down, somewhat ashamed, "Geez Victor... Why'd have to say that? Now I feel like crap... I don't think I can just choose one now."

Leon awkwardly chuckled, "I understand what you're saying Victor, but don't worry. These pokemon have all come willingly just so they could find a trainer that they could travel Galar with." He turned to the starters. "Ain't that right little guys?"

All three pokemon let out cheerful cries of approval.

"Oh? Really?" Victor smiled as he learned this. "I'd still feel weird for choosing a pokemon. So..." Victor sat down on the ground in a cross-legged manner while facing the pokemon.

"Any of you guys wanna choose me?"

The pokemon were somewhat off caught guard from the thought of being able to decide who travels along with this person. All three of them turned to each other awkwardly before huddling up and whispering.

Hop, Gloria, and Leon all had somewhat blank faces.

"Well, I didn't see this coming..." They all thought in unison.

After nearly a minute of the pokemon speaking amongst themselves, they all turned back with a decision.

Then one of them stepped forward to answer Victor's question.


Victor grinned as Scorbunny pranced over to him and then got into a proud stance with his little paws on his hips and a big smile.

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