Chapter 3

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Serena arrived to her tent and saw a girl with dark blue hair sitting inside.

"Um... Hi." Serena said. The girl jumped in surprise and turn around to see the honey blonde haired girl standing.

"Oh! Hi. Nice to meet you!" The girl said and extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you too! My name is Jhunnu" Serena replied.

"My name is Dawn- oh sorry! Cutie!" She shuttered and got embarrass. Serena sighed and replied," Hey, calm down. It's OK. Well my 'real' name is Serena. Your name is Dawn, right?"

"You got it. Wait; aren't we supposed to tell each other our real names, right?" Dawn asked.

"It's the role during the camp, but now we are personal, OK." Serena replied.

"So, are we tent mates?" Dawn asks.

"Yes, and also friends." Serena replies.

"Wait, really? Friends?" Dawn asks with a surprise look.

"Sure." Serena replied to which Dawn squealed and hugged Serena tightly. Soon they started talking about almost everything in the world including their personal life.

Outside in one of the tents, Ash and Gary were staying. Ash was lying on the bed, facing upwards, while Gary was playing with a ball.

"Hey Ash, where were you lost this morning?" Gary asked.

"Mm? When?" Ash asked with a confusion look.

"When gramps was getting to know our codenames. You were just lost somewhere. He called you about 5 times." Gary replied.

"Oh that time. It was nothing." Ash said while little bit blushing.

"Wait, are you blushing?" Gary asked.

"N-no" Ash shuttered.

"Ohhhh! Ashy boy is in love. I see." Gary replied with an evil smirk.

"Stop it!" Ash half screamed.

"My dirty mind is tingling!" Gary replied.

"JUST SHUT UP!" Ash screamed and covered hi blushing face. Soon he falls asleep.

Next day all the campers including Ash and Serena gathered near the river. Calm winds blew throughout the riverside. Professor Oak comes in and announces," Hope everyone is enjoying the breezes of the river. Today, we will be touring in the forests. If we are lucky, we could see many animals. Now everyone, go to your tents and gather all the gears. We will be leaving soon."

Everyone goes to their respective tents. Serena grabs her backpack.

"Ready?" Dawn asks.

"Eveready" Says Serena sarcastically. Soon every leaves the camp and head towards the forests. The group were enjoying the scenes but Serena was just tired. She was carrying a heavy backpack. Professor Oak notices it and took the bag from her.

"Hey, let me take it. Walk freely. If you need anything, just call me. OK?" Professor Oak said calmly.

"Thank you Professor." Replies Serena.

"My pleasure." Professor Oak said.

After walking about a mile, Serena notices a rabbit hopping near the bushes. Serena gets interested on it and started following it.

"Jhunnu! Where are you going?" Dawn asks.

"I will be right back." Serena replies and gets on her way. She didn't know that she is going into the deep forest.

Meanwhile with Ash......

"Hey Sinu! Where are you going?" Asks Gary.

"See that rabbit (it's the different one). I am going to it." Ash replied.

"Hey wai-"Gary couldn't finish as ash had already left.


ITS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER CHAPTER  (^_^)

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