QA #17 - Infinite!?: Strengths & Weaknesses

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TO: Infinite!?

FROM: multifandom-doctor



This one's going to be for Infinite, as I think he deserves a question of his accord. (clears throat) Why did you give up your face and hid it behind a mask? And I know this may be a sensitive thing to ask, but I believe that there's more to it than you're letting on. And for the record, you're not weak. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and we all make mistakes from time to time, that's just how we all live and learn. And what Shadow and Eggman said to you obviously didn't help, and I apologize on their behalf for the internal struggle that you've gone through.



Dr. Eggman: A question... for Infinite!?

Shadow: This is a joke, right?

Sonic: Good Gaia, it's long! But he's not even here!

Infinite: (enters the room) Who's not here? (looks at the computer and reads the question) If you're trying to cheer me up, then don't. I don't need your damn pity.

Sonic: Well, that was just rude. She was just feeling sorry for you.

Shadow: This question is ridiculous! All I did was call him "worthless," and then he starts screaming like some spoiled brat! Next thing you know, the fans somewhat shows sympathy for him!

Infinite: Will you shut up and let me answer the question!? Jeez. And second, hiding my face showed how weak I was in the past.

Sonic: Oh, pfft. You're still weak. You just had the Phantom Ruby to power you up.

Infinite: Hey, let's not forget that I was the one who kicked your ass!

Sonic: Please. You just summoned up replicas to help you. You couldn't beat me up even if you tried.

Infinite: Oh, you wanna go, porcupine!?

Sonic: (gets up from his chair) Bring it on, chinchilla!!

Dr. Eggman: I'll get the camera. (gets up from his chair and walks off)

Shadow: I'll get the popcorn. (also gets up from his chair and walks off)

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