QA #82 - Sonic Girls: CNCO & The Sonic Boys

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TO: The Sonic Girls

FROM: Caro06M



A question for the girls. How did you all react when the boys sang "Pretend" by CNCO? Because that song can make you dance and be crazy in love with the band. And I also imagined the boys as the CNCO of the Sonic fangirls.



Amy: To be honest, Sonic and the others sang perfectly. But falling in love with the band? Sorry, I only have feelings for Sonic.

Rouge: And I must say, the boys can sing Spanish so romantically. But I can't say the same thing about Shadow. He has enough of that already.

Blaze: I don't know what to say. But they're alright, I guess.

Amy: Always with the short answers, Blaze.

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