QA #75 - Sonic & Friends: PJ Masks

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Caro06M



Hello! I wanna ask all the Sonic characters a question. Do you guys know the "PJ Masks"? If you do, who would you guys like to meet? If you don't know them, the PJ Masks are kids who can turn into heroes with their pajamas, and fight villains like Romeo, Night Ninja, Luna Girl, Mothsuki, and the Wolfies. And they have allies like An-Yu, PJ Robot, and Newton Star. And also, they each have cat, owl, and gecko-like powers.



Shadow: Wait a minute! PJ Masks? That show is for babies!

Cream: It's not that bad. I like it.

Amy: Well, of course you would like it, Cream. You're six.

Sonic: And I just cannot believe that those pajamas they wear give them animal-like abilities!

Tails: Hmm, maybe I can do the same thing for all of us.

Knuckles: Oh, no! I am not wearing any PJs!

Tails: Who said anything about PJs?

Knuckles: Oh... Well, don't mind me, Tails, take your time.

Sonic: (sarcastically) Wow. Smooth move, Knucklehead.

Knuckles: (punches him in the shoulder)

Sonic: Oww!!

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