DARE #33 - Sonic: Hedgehog Cosplay

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog

FROM: Caro06M



Okay, so the dare for Sonic is that he has to dress up like Catboy, take a selfie with it, and then send it to Instagram to see the fans' reactions (especially Catboy's, 'cause he's a big fan of Sonic).



Sonic: Oh, no I'm not!!

Shadow: (pulls out the costume) Oh, yes you are!

Sonic: Forget it! I am not wearing that!!

[A few seconds later, Sonic was wearing the costume.]

Sonic: (groans) I look like some creepy, grown-up, PJ Masks fanboy!

Shadow: Oh, stop whining. All you gotta do is take a selfie with it and then post it on Instagram. Easy-peasy.

Sonic: (sighs) Fine.

[Sonic took a selfie in the costume and then posted it on Instagram.]

Sonic: There, it's done. (runs off)

Shadow: Hmph. What a baby.

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