DARE #27 - Sonic Villains: A Blindfolded Prank

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TO: The Sonic Villains

FROM: RebekahMcGee1



I dare Eggman and the villains to call Sonic and Tails in, blindfold them, and then tie them both to a tree during a thunderstorm. Oh, and when you have them tied to a tree, remove the blindfolds.



[Sonic, Tails, and the villains were walking outside during a thunderstorm.]

Sonic: (blindfolded) Why are we going to Casino Street Zone, Eggman? It's raining!

Dr. Eggman: Because it's a lot more fun to go in the rain.

Tails: (blindfolded) Um... okay...?

[The villains tied them to a tree, took off their blindfolds, and ran off.]

Sonic: What the--!? Eggman, you heartless hippo, get back here!!!

Dr. Eggman: Enjoy getting struck by lightning!!

[The villains ran back inside while laughing evilly.]

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