DARE #29 - Amy: Prank Time!

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TO: Amy Rose

FROM: gsiatsiftsow



I dare Amy to pull a prank on Silver.



[At night, Amy and the girls snuck into Silver's room, lifted up Silver by his mattress, and walks out of the room with it. The next morning, Silver woke up in a fountain in front of his friends.]

Everyone: (was recording him with their phones) Good morning, Silver.

Silver: (shocked) What the--!?

[Silver got up and stumbled upon the fountain.]

Blaze: Silver, are you alright?

Silver: Don't worry, I'm fine. Now who's idea was this!?

Amy: It was mine. I got a dare saying that I have to pull a prank on you.

Shadow: And this was the best you can do?

Amy: Well, it was either this or glue a whoopie cushion to his ass.

Silver: Fair enough.

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