DARE #54 - Sonic & Friends: The Death Battle Book (Part 02)

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Caro06M



Hey, guys! I've added five new chapters into my "PJ Masks and other characters react to Death Battles" book. Would you all like to read them? Because that's my dare for you guys! From "Aqua vs. Lucina," to "Mario vs. Link."



Knuckles: Another reading dare?

Sonic: Pretty much.

Tails: Let's read them, shall we?

[Time Card: 35 Minutes Later.]

Knuckles: Ha!! I knew that I would beat that fat fart machine!

Silver: And I never expected two girls to somewhat fight over me. How odd.

Sonic: I guess they think you're hot or something.

Silver: Hm. I suppose so.

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