DARE #72 - Sonic & Eggman: The Death Battle Book (Part 04)

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Doctor Eggman

FROM: Caro06M



I dare Sonic and Eggman to read both of my "Sonic vs. Rainbow Dash" and "Mega Man vs. Metal Sonic" pages from my PJ Masks reaction book, and then tell us your opinions on it.



Dr. Eggman: There is just no escape to this, is there?

Sonic: Nope.

[Time Card: 15 Minutes Later.]

[Sonic was laughing uncontrollably.]

Dr. Eggman: What!? How can Metal Sonic lose to that worthless trash can!?

Sonic: Hey, it's not his fault that you build your robots so poorly.

Dr. Eggman: Oh, please. You've probably got your ass beaten up by that pony, as well!

Sonic: Actually, I've beaten her. So, get your facts right, fatty.

Dr. Eggman: (growls)

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