Chapter 23 Do You Forgive Me?

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I take a deep breath before I began to tell him everything, starting with my dad.

"Well, you know how when you come to my'll see my mom...but not my dad?"

"Umm, yeah" he said, his voice cracking and I couldn't blame him...he saw another guy kiss me, and we're each other's everything.

"Well, my dad left my mom and I when I was 3..." I trailed off.

"Why didn't you ever tell me Riley!"

"Because it's embarrassing Wes! When he left because we weren't good enough for him. I wasn't good enough for him! That's not something you go around telling people..."

"You don't go around telling people, but you could tell your boyfriend for crying out loud! You shouldn't have to keep secrets from me Riley!" He runs his fingers through his hair and takes a deep breath,

"You promised you wouldn't say anything Wesley"

"Ok, I'm sorry. Continue"

I take another deep breath before I continue,

"Well, I never told anyone that because I was embarrassed...the only people I ever told was Taylor...and Luke. So, today when you told me to take a walk on the beach to keep my mind off the entire Taylor situation, I did. I was walking on the beach and the guy you saw kissing me, ran into me on the beach"

I pause to let him think and ask any questions he had before I continued.

"Um, so how did that end up with kissing?"

"Wes...he told me he knew where my dad was."

Wes's face went blank and he was starring at me, with the look of 'I'm so sorry' in his eyes.

"But I have never seen him before...he knew exactly who I was, and about my dad. it took me a while but I figured out that I knew him, He's friends with Luke...his name is Ryan."

"Ry-" I cut him off,

"Then, I confronted Ryan for doing Luke's dirty work. He got mad and grabbed my arm"

Wesley grabbed my arm to examine it.

"That's why there's bruises...he hurt you?" Wes said trailing of with a mix of sadness and anger in his voice.

"When I tried to run away from him, he grabbed me and kissed me. Wesley, he kissed me, I didn't kiss him. Then I got away from him to find you...but when I did you wouldn't let me explain...and um...that's pretty much it" I said with a quiet voice looking down.

"I'm so sorry Riley, I should have let you explain, this was all my you forgive me?"

"Of course Wesley"

As I finished my sentence, I felt Wes grab my face and crash his lips onto mine with passion. My stomach was going crazy with butterflies as we sat on the park bench.

"Can I stay at your house tonight?" I asked him, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes baby! Why are you crying?"

"Because I thought I lost you."

"Riley, I promise, you will never lose me."

I woke up this mourning from light shining in Wesley's window, I rolled over to see if Wesley was up, but he wasn't there.

I got up to go see if he was downstairs, but there was nothing.
No note, no text, no call, nothing.

Wesley was gone.

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