Chapter 35 Let's Have A Beach Day

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Wes and I are standing in a surf shack down by the beach. There was about 10-15 customers here. Wes was on his phone in the process to send a quick text to all our friends in our group chat.

Guys, my last full day in Cali, we're having a beach day. Cancel your plans and meet me and Ry at the sift shack. Hurry your asses -Wes

Tay and I are on our way -Drew

Same as me and Tia -Tyler

Keaton and I will be there in 10 -Summer

On my way with Kurt -Ally

Kurt is Ally's new boyfriend. He's tagged along with us every time we have our annual best friend get togethers. He's really nice and funny, tall guy with dirty blond hair.

"Check out this surf board" Wes dragged me over to a nice looking board and I looked at it in awe.

"Too bad it's $775" I laughed as we kept walking around the store and an employee came to us with a smile on his face.

"Can I help you guys with anything?"

"That's ok, we're just browsing" Wes smiled and we continued walking until I stopped and went back to the employee.

"Wait, I have a question."


"Are you guys hiring at all?"

I've needed a job for a long time and I've always had my eye on the surf shack. It's a place that I love to spend my free time and I wouldn't get bored at.

"Actually you'd have to talk to the manager. He's not here today but he'll be here on Monday if you wanna come back."

"Ya sure, thank you" with that, we kept browsing the store until Drew and Tay walked in.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Tay scream causing every last pair of eyes to land on us. This is so embarrassing.

"Could you keep it down?!" I whisper yelled at her and we all started to laugh.

"Nope! I'm exited!"

And then once again, 4 more people joined them; Tia, Tyler, Ally and Kurt.

"Hey guys!" I yelled and people started to look at us again.

"Maybe we should go outside..."

Everyone nodded and we walked outside just as Keaton and Summer showed up. Everyone's here.

"Hey guys"

"THIS PARTY IS OFFICIALLY STARTED!" Tay yelled as she grabbed my hand and we all started running down to beach. I took of my shirt and shorts that were covering my bathing suit along with the other girls.

The ten of us bolted for the water and dove in. The refreshing feeling of the water in my face was awesome.

I resurfaced to catch my breath along with the others.

"Tay, I challenge you to a hand stand competition!" I yelled

"You're on."

Ever since we were little, Tay and I always had hand stand competitions in the water. It all started when we were 5 and I bragged because I could do it longer.

We had our handstand competition and we ended up finishing at the same time.

"You guys are so boring" Keaton complained and in a swift movement he splashed us all with water.
Kurt made the same motion in return and it turned into a huge blow out water fight.

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