Chapter Fourteen: Midoriya slowly remembering.

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At the League of Villains Hideout~ 

The members have returned to their hideouts after their attacks and fight with the heroes from U.A. High school and some of them tried from the battle. Now they are sitting in the barroom waiting for Yurei, Tomura, and Midoriya. 

As they were waiting, Toga asked Dabi a question. "Why do you hate Todoroki?" There was silence as Toga said those words. Dabi put down the drink he was drinking and stare at Toga with a blank expression. "Why?"  

"I don't know, but when you were battling him in the city, you have hatred and anger in your eyes, so that means you hate him because he is a hero or something else?" She asked with curiosity in her voice. 

Dabi looked at her with for three hours, before sighing. "I hate Todoroki because-*" Before he could finish his sentences. Tomura and Yurei appears in the barroom with Midoriya in Tomura's arms. 

"Yurei, Tomura, and Midoriya. Welcome back." Twice said excitedly but noticed something is wrong with Midoriya, so did the other members.  

Tomura gently places Midoriya on the head and Yurei sets his sword against the wall. There was worry in Tomura's eyes as he stares at Midoriya who isn't saying anything but on his knees. 

"Shigaraki, is Izuku-Kun alright and what happened?" Toga asked as she noticed that Tomura was worried about him, the other villains came to his side, wondering the same thing too. 

"I know that boy...Somewhere deep in my memory, I know that hero." Izuku said before he suddenly reached out and grabbed Toga's sleeves tightly, he lifts his head revealing his furious green eyes at them. 

The villains gasp that Midoriya is suddenly remembering about his friends. 

"Tell me the truth. I wasn't asleep this whole time, was I? What was I doing before Spinner told me that I fought a hero? Why it is that I know that Hero?" Midoriya demanded, the villains hesitated, trying to think what to say to him and Toga shook her head, while Tomura could feel his heart throbbed in pain. 

"W-We don't know!" Said Twice who is worried and scared about Midoriya remembering about that hero: Katsuki Bakugo. 

"Don't lie to me!!" Midoriya shouted and Yurei quickly ran forward and grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back causing Midoriya to release Toga and she went to Magne's sides and quickly gently patting her backs. 

Tomura stood in front of Midoriya, removed the hand from his face and he is looking at Midoriya with worries in his eyes. 

"It the truth. You and I have been separated from far too long." Tomura said with a quiet tone and Yurei quickly ran behind him and placed his hand on his shoulder; Midoriya blinked in shock as his features slowly relaxed. 

"Far too long?" Midoriya echoed and the villains nodded their heads, including Yurei. 

"It took me years to find you again, Midoriya. All these years of planning to kill all the heroes just to bring you back here with me and restore our friendship. I did everything to bring you back!" Tomura explained. 

"You spent many years to find me again? You went through everything to bring me back?" Midoriya asked quietly before Tomura suddenly put his arms on his shoulder, bowing his head down. 

"Those damn heroes. They're all alike. All they do is falling to save everybody!!!" Yurei hissed loudly and Midoriya blinked in shock at hearing such deep hatred coming from someone who was usually so calm. The other Villains nodded their head and their eyes are filled with hatred about the heroes. 

"That's right! They do nothing to save people from becoming villains. They leave the pain, sadness, and hatred in our hearts!! They fail to save people's family, friends and loved ones!! They even managed to take away our happiness, our fun memories, our friendship. They even made you forget about me!!!" Tomura cried out as he grips his shoulder tightly; Midoriya stares at him with wide eyes. 

"But..." He said before his eyes widened as flashes of memories about that boy he saw earlier in the forest appears again and this time, he could see him in the U.A. High School. 

Midoriya grit his teeth as his head suddenly started throbbing, his eyes clenching shut in agony as he tried to make it go away. 

"Izuku-Kun, what wrong?" Toga said as she saw him shaking underneath Tomura's fingers before suddenly he broke free from his grasp with a shout of pain before collapsing on his side on the ground. 

"Midoriya, how can we help you!?!?" Mr. Compress said as he and other villains watched as Midoriya grabbed his head tightly, continues shouting of pain, shook violently before he finally fell unconscious. 

"Izuku-Kun." Toga said softly as she and the villains looked at Midoriya's unconscious form in shock. 

"This happened because of them." 

The villains turn their head and saw Tomura standing up and his Quirk is activated, they could feel his Quirk surrounding his body and slowly starts to disintegrate some items besides him. 

"The heroes." He growled furiously, his eyes filled with hatred and anger. The villains looked at him with worry in their eyes but didn't say anything.  

Now that Midoriya is slowly remembering about the heroes and Katsuki. Can his memories still come back and what does Tomura mean that heroes made Izuku forget about his friendship with Tomura? *Also does everybody believe that Dabi is Todoroki's older brother "Toya Todoroki?"

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