Chapter Twenty-Three: The Battle Part Two

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One by one, the heroes from U.A. High School is fighting the dragon-like creatures to save the city. They are using their Quirks to destroy and fight the dragon-like creatures. 

"Dark Shadow!!" Tokoyami shouted as his shadow appears and starts attacking the dragon-like creatures which eventually killed them. 

Two dragon-like creatures appear in front of Jiro and Koda, both of them are standing to two broken buildings and were about to kill when... 

"Barricade Tape!!" Several tapes appear in front of Jiro and Koda and the two broken buildings which protect them from the dragon-like creature's teeth. "Thank you, Sero!!!" Jiro said as she thanks Sero for using his Quirk to protect them, he nodded his head and smile at them. 

"Let's go, Ashido!" Kirishima called and Ashido appears by Kirishima's sides and together the two of them ran through the shattered window. 

"Acid!!" Ashido shouted and acid came out of her skin, it starts spaying on the dragon-like creatures and they start to burn and slowly melting away. "Good job, Ashido!" Kirishima and give her a thumb up and she smiles at him. 

Together the two of them were working quickly to help their friends and hope to find Midoriya and Bakugo. Ashido jumped over a large crumble building, standing and waiting for Kirishima to do the same. Instead, she saw just in time to see Kirishima jump away as a dragon-like creature came at him. 

"Damn it!" Kirishima said as he tried to get away but the mouth was a lot quicker then he expected and he was quickly swallowed whole. 

"Kirishima!" Ashido shouted as her friends from middle school disappear into one of the dragon-likes creature mouth; she was preparing to jump forward when a bright electrification zoomed past her and struck the mouth down. 

"Electrification!!" Kaminari shouted as he fired another electrification from his Sharpshooting Gear at the mouth and got electric fry; Ashido quickly ran forward and caught Kirishima lightly in her arms. 

Ashido watch Kaminari attacking the dragon-likes creatures. "Ashido..." She looked down at Kirishima in confusion, his heroes costume is half ripped.   

"I'm sorry that I was caught off guard." He said before looking off the side in embarrassment and there was a small light pink blush on his face. He has a crush on Ashido since they were in middle school and that he never told her, and now he is blushing because he's in her arms and their face are too close to each other. 

Ashido blinked at him for a couple of seconds before she laughs softly and easily set the boy on his feet. "Don't worry about it. Let's go." Ashido grinned and Kirishima nodded in acceptance before they running at the dragon-like creatures. 

Yaoyorazu and Hagakure stood back to back as they battle the dragon-like creatures. 

"These things keep coming of out of nowhere." Yaogorazu scoffed as she used her Quirk Creation and non-living objects came out her hand and shoot at the dragon-like creatures. 

"Yaogorazu!! Look out!!!" Hagakure shouted out as she spotted movement underneath her partner's feet; the black-haired girl couldn't react fast enough and her eyes widened in shock when a tail formed underneath her. 

"Damn it!!" She shouted and move away very quickly. Then three tails appear out of the ground and wrapped its tail around Asui, Sero, and Hagakure. 

They grunted in pain as they tried to get out of the dragon-like creatures, but failed to. "Asui!!!" Tokoyami shouted. "Sero!!" Shoji shouted. "Hagakure!!" Ojiro shouted as they watched their friends got trapped in the dragon-like creature's tail. 

"Electrification!!!" Kaminari shouted as his electric shot at the dragon-like creature's tail and got silenced the tail open, which Asui, Sero and Hagakure are now free but failing to the ground. 

"Asui!!! Sero!!! Hagakure!!!" Three male shouted at their friend's name and quickly rushed to save them. Tokyoami caught Asui in his arms, Shoji caught Sero in his arms and Ojiro caught Hagakure in his arms. All of them said thank you and they smiled. 

"Let's continues fighting these dragon-like creatures and save Midoriya!!!" Aoyama shouted as he attacks another dragon-like creature with his Quirk. 

"Yeah!!!" The heroes shouted and continue fighting the dragon-like creatures. 

lida yelled loudly as his Quirk charged towards the device in front of him along with Uraraka; hundreds of dragon-likes creatures were being produced from the device in seconds and they needed to stop it before more of the city was destroyed. 

lida and Uraraka were able to get away from the dragon-like creatures and found Bakugo fighting Akuma Deku, but to their surprise, Todoroki wasn't with them, but they know he is safe somewhere, fighting the dragon-likes creatures. 

Uraraka was able to dodge from Toga's knife and lida was able to dodge from Dabi's Quirk. The League of Villains is protecting the device so that the dragon-like creatures could destroy the city and kill the heroes. 

"Damn it. How the hell are we going to destroy that thing if the villains keep protecting it?" He growled angrily before he and Uraraka look over to where Bakugo was. 

"Stop it, Deku!!" Bakugo shouted but cried out in pain when Akuma Deku spun the sword around quickly forcing him to jump back; blood dripped heavily from the wound on his waist as he reached up to wipe his forehead. 

"This hero, I must shear away every last one of his memories...Once that is done, no one will remember Midoriya at all." Akuma Deku said and Bakugo cringed slightly as he heard Yurei's voice echoing behind Deku's. 

"Yes. Then I will be the only one in Midoriya's life." Shigaraki's voice echoing behind Deku's. 

"Damn fucking idiots!!" Bakugo screamed out in anger. 

"You can't take away the fucking memories that easily!! Yurei did it on many people to forget about their life, family, friends, love ones and becoming a hero. But Deku somehow remembers me. You can't take between two childhood friendship and bond!!!" Bakugo finished with a loud yell. Akuma Deku growled angrily as he charges forward at Bakugo and his sword clashed with Bakugo's large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps before his Quirk surrounded the two of them. 

"Deku, Fightback!!" Bakugo called out before he felt a familiar sensation coming from his grenade-like gauntlets; quickly he ducked as the sword went clean through his grenade-like gauntlets and with a quiet curse Bakugo was forced to jump back. 

"Deku..." Bakugo whispered sadly as he gasped for breath. Suddenly with a loud boom, the Quirk vortex disappeared revealing Akuma Deku once again. 

But Bakugo gasped in shock, his eyes widened in horror when Akuma Deku opened his eyes to reveal they have been consumed by bright red. 

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