Twenty-Two: The Battle

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The dragon-like creatures rose in the middle of the city that is half destroyed, its roars very very loudly and its eyes glared at the world angrily before roaring again and more dragons appear out of the body before starts attacking the half-destroyed city with his mouth, claws, and tail. 

The building that was in the middle of the half-destroyed city has now been completely destroyed by the dragon-like creatures and in its place stood a large greyish/white platform; clashing a metal echoed loudly around the area as Bakugo continued to block Akuma Deku's attacks. 

"Deku!!" Bakugo called out desperately as he jumped back, Bakugo narrowed his eyes, he didn't know what to do, how on earth was he going to get Deku back from this? 

The two of them stood at a standstill as they glared at each other waiting for the other to move; Akuma Deku bent his knees before his bare right foot skidded forward on the rocky right path. In response, Bakugo's took a slight step back as he watched Akuma Deku adjusted his hold on the sword.  

"Shear him away." Shigaraki whispered quietly inside the mind of Akuma Deku. 

"Yes, shear him away." Yurei hissed with his cold voice and Akuma Deku dark white/red eyes narrowed before he shot forward. 

Bakugo released a startled gasp as Akuma Deku suddenly shot forward and attack him; he jumped to the side before quickly spinning around and blocking the next attack. 

"He's fast..." Bakugo thought himself warily as he kicked out sharply forcing him to jump back; Akuma Deku snarled angrily before he held up the sword sideways and started attacking Bakugo with the pointed end. Bakugo could feel his legs protesting violently as he continued to dodge the fast attacks. 

Akuma Deku's expression remained blank even as he took the sword in both hands once again and swung it towards Bakugo once again; Bakugo quickly jumped over Akuma Deku, he barely turned around in time to bring up his large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps to block Akuma Deku's next strike though. 

Bakugo grunted as he brought up his arms to block the strike Akuma Deku had intended to bring down upon his head; he grits his teeth as a crater formed underneath their feet from the force of the blow. 

"Stop it!" He ordered loudly but he was ignored as Akuma Deku continued to push strength down on both the sword and the large grenade-like gauntlets. 

"Deku! Please! Snap out of it!! It's me, Kacchan!!" He shouted but he got no replay as Akuma Deku stared at him with a blank expression. 

"Try to remember, Deku!" 

Thunder crashed down hard from the sky as the dragons-like creatures continued to roar, it keeps attacking the half-destroyed city and is on its way to destroy more city and takes the lives of the people and heroes. 

"Damn it!! We must stop the dragon before it could destroy the entire city!!" Kaminari said as he and the others watched the dragon-like creatures from further away on a broken building. 

"Yeah, but I wonder where it Todoroki, Uraraka, and lida is? I hope that they're alright." Asui said. When the dragon-like creatures rose up in the sky, she and the other were able to get away, but she noticed that Todoroki, Uraraka, and lida was nowhere in sight. 

"I'm pretty sure they are fine, Asui. So don't feel worried." Tokoyami said as he looked at her with a small smile and she could feel her cheeks turning pink and nodded her head. 

"Yeah, I bet that they are fighting these dragon-like creatures. And we should do the same!!" Aoyama said as he could his Quirk activated. 

"So what are we waiting for?? Let's fight and save the city!!!" Kaminari shouted as he raises his fist in the air. 

"Yeah!!!!!" The other did the same thing, including Shinso. And together they went to fight the dragon-like creatures to save the city. 

Two battles, the students from U.A. High School is fighting the dragon-like creatures and Bakugo is fighting his childhood friends Deku but in a hero vs villain battle. Who will win the battle? 

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