The warmth that closed around her was nearly suffocating as it pressed in around her, stifling with the stiff figures of Seth and Leah that clung to her sides. She didn't dare push them away, not with the ways they flinched at every pain-filled scream that sent shivers down her spine and a stab to her gut.
She couldn't fault them for the desperate want for comfort. Seth hadn't parted from her side from the moment Edward had sent them away, worried about exposing her to the Volturi when she didn't need to be. And Leah, as much as she would loathe to admit it, was hiding away from the rest of the pack and the blame they were pinning on her as though it was her fault making the guilt she felt so much bigger than that.
As much as she hated the boy, as much as she just wished he would disappear, she didn't want to hear him in pain more than anyone else did. He was still young no matter how much of an asshole he was and no matter how much wrong he actually did.
It wasn't as if they could fault her for not being able to beat the newborn on her own. There were plenty of people who could have jumped in to help instead of just shouting at her to stop or be careful.
They could have done more and someone had to kill the newborn. They had no right to look at her like they were doing now like she was the one that should be getting everyone one of their bones broken over and over.
Sighing, she drops her chin to rest on Seth's shoulder humming at each since and patting his arm encouragingly.
He shouldn't be here no matter how much he cared. Roman understood that the pack link would make him privy to everything but it just wasn't the same as experiencing it for yourself.
If she could, she would sweep him away to somewhere that he could relax and sleep without one of the pack popping in to bother him or tease -- because they didn't trust him with the same responsibilities but they still acted like he wasn't a kid when they weren't basically babying him.
"I don't know why he got in the way. I had the tick," Leah bites, scowling at the ground.
"Can it, Leah," Paul snaps, growling as Jacob screams again.
Roman winces, glancing at Carlisle's empty Mercedes.
He was in there. She just wished she could see him. Maybe he would be able to tell her what to say.
"Leave her alone," Seth mumbles.
"Don't get involved," Jared says, glaring at the trio, the siblings.
"Don't talk to them like that!" Roman argues, nearly drowning out the sound of Jacob's pain. "If anyone is to blame, it's Victoria and her nasty terrible--" she breathes deeply through her nose-- "Look, just, you have no right to blame her for Jacob's decision and you have no right talking to Seth like that! Stop acting like you're better when Jacob would have stepped in to help any of you."
"Everyone just stop fighting," Sam orders, pushing away from where he leaned against the porch. "This isn't helping anyone."
She pushes back the urge to protest, the urge to argue with him some more, in lieu of turning to Seth and carding her fingers through his hair in comfort. Though she wasn't sure if it was more for his sake or her own.
Eventually, the door opened and Carlisle stepped out followed closely by Billy. The Doctor was speaking softly, giving instructions most likely, Roman recognized that expression anywhere, as the other man, sweat faced with exhaustion written deep in his features.
She untangles herself from the siblings and stands slowly, drawing a quick smile from Carlisle in acknowledgement. Seth stands tall behind her, gravitating to her side, and affection flares in her heart for him at the simple gesture.

Falling To The Sun | B. Swan + E. Cullen
Fiksi Penggemar❝Falling in love is easy, keeping love is not.❞ ❝You can't tell me who I'm allowed to be with! I know my heart better than you ever could.❞ ❝I never meant to intrude on what was there before me. I'll only stay if you'll have me.❞ ❝I know this is inc...