trente et un

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Roman was trudging through the halls, notebook clutched tightly in hand as she hastily tries to cram as much as she can with the little amount of time she wants to actually spend doing in. She didn't want to waste any of the time.

It was valuable and her grades weren't all that important to her to begin with. It was more for the sake of graduating, ensuring that she could actually get her diploma.

She bounced through the halls, dodging people as she went.

Esme had packed her a lunch she was really looking forward to. Smiling brightly as she handed over the brown paper bag with a kiss to her cheek.

Buzzing with delight at the thought, Roman slipped into the cafeteria before any of her friends, dropping her book to the table as she pulled her food from her bag.

She greeted her friends kindly as they arrived, smiling around her mouthful of a sandwich as they jabbered about one thing or another. They were all excited about the upcoming end of the year. Jessica was made valedictorian. Angela was excited but excited, about going off to college. Lauren was happy to tell anyone who listened about the new dress she bought for the ceremony.

Her girlfriend had yet to arrive. Roman shifts in her seat, eyeing the sulking Mike with narrowed eyes.

Alice came in with a scowl. Sitting silently at her side.

"Where's Bella?"

The vampire hissed silently.

Lauren scoffed. "Haven't you heard? That Quileute boy came by on his motorcycle and she left with him after English."

"She what?" She gaped.

"Yup, Mike saw her go."

She eyed her friend and the girl's vicious smile. "Are you trying to imply something?"

"No, why would I ever do that?" Lauren asks with faux innocence. "You guys are the ones with that weird open relationship."

Roman crushed what was left of her sandwich. "Do you have something you would like to say, Lauren, or are you just going keep making passive-aggressively judgemental comments?"

"I'm not making any sort of comments! I swear!"

"You know, I'm getting tired of always defending you to people. I always swore you were a good friend, a kind friend, but you know what?" Roman asked, standing calmly as she began to pick up her things. "You're a mean person sometimes — an ugly person on the inside — and one day that's going to catch up to you. Call me when you're ready to be a proper friend again."

Alice stands at her side, having helped her pick up here things. At least the vampire didn't look as upset as she did before. Guess Bella really did runoff.

"Oh, and your speech is going to be epic, Jess, no matter what you decide."

It's like she can breathe again once she leaves the cafeteria, the outside air cool in her lungs. Alice stays silent at her side waiting patiently.

"Was she always so terrible?"

"Yes, but you knew that."

"Yeah, I did," Roman sighs, claiming one of the picnic tables.

"I'm happy that you stood up to her."

"Bella would've been, too... Did she really run off with Jacob?"

Alice's grinds her teeth before she pouts, looking down to her lap. "He's going to take away my Porsche."

"Nah, I won't let him if it makes you feel better. He knows how hard it can be to deal with Jacob and Bella is very stubborn when she wants to be," Roman reassures gently. "It's like she forgets that I live there now so she can just say assures going to visit me. He can't keep her from doing that even if he is worried and jealous..."

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