-Chapter 13-

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We were riding into the sunset. Hair blowing in the wind. Garfield was so awesome and cool for taking us to find purple guy.
"So.. where would purple guy be?" I asked.
"Hm. Well, what happened before he teleported away?" Natsuki squeaked.
"He was making out with Ennard."
"WHAT?!" Natsuki gasped. "He's GAY?!"
"I don't know! What's wrong with it?!"
"N-Nothing is wrong with it! I just didn't know.."
"Well, where would he be?" Garfield asked, awesomely.
"Hmm.. well.. where's a good makeout spot?"
"Oh! I know, I know!" Natsuki speaker out. "The beach! Purple guy loves long walks on the beach, that's what he out on his tinder profile!"
"Perfect! Garfield, how far is the nearest beach?"
"Hmm. Not too far away." He responded, coolly. "Right up here, actually."
Garfield pointed in the distance.
We arrived at the beach in no time. He parked in a spot and stopped the car.
"Great. We're here, now we just need to find purple guy and Ennard in this HUGE, CROWD, OF PEOPLE!" Natsuki yelled, throwing her hands in the air.
"Don't worry. It's like playing where's waldo." Garfield made an amazing suggestion. "We are going to have split up, though."
"Okay! This is perfect! Garfield! You start over there!" Natsuki said, pointing to the left. "I'll start over there, and Y/N, You go over there!"
She pointed to the right.
"Okay! Let's go!" You yelled.
I pushed through the crowd of people.
"Hello? Hello?! Have you seen a people guy and a dude made of circuits?!" I asked spongebob.
"Hmm, nope! Haven't seen anybody like that around here! I can help you look, though!" Sponegbob giggled.
"Okay! Thank you so much, spongebob! Just have a good eye!"
You and spongebob pushed through the crowd of people. You saw people that looked similar to them, but you couldn't find purple guy and Ennard.
"Ugh.. this is no use.." You sighed, letting my head hang down.
"Don't give up yet, Y/N! I'm sure we'll find them soon!" Spongebob patted your back.
"No! We never will! It's impossible in this big crowd of people!" You facepalmed.
"No, Y/N! Its okay, I promise! I'm sure we'll find them! We just can't give up!"
"No! Seriously, Y/N! I've dealt with so many troubles and things in my life. But I got through them! Because I never gave up, Y/N! We'll find them! I promise you!"
You picked your head up and gave spongebob a grin.
"Thank you, sponegbob."
You both skipped along the beach, trying to find Purple guy and Ennard.
That's when something caught your eye.
A tall, purple man and a huge clump of circuits and wires that were eating eachothers faces off.
Purple guy and Ennard.
"PURPLE GUY!" You shouted.
"What?! Do you see them Y/N?"
"Yeah, I see them! There right there!" You yelled. Everybody cleared a path from you to purple guy. Shit was about to go down.
"What?! How did you find us?!" Purple guy gasped.
"Oh. Some little friends of mine." You fist bumped sponegbob as Natsuki and Garfield came out from behind you.
"What the-?! Natsuki, you helped Y/N!?"
"Yeah, I did! I hate you, big brother!"
Ennard stepped in front of purple guy.
"If you try to hurt him, you're gonna have to go through me, first!"
The crowd around you gasped.
"Oh yeah! Well it's 4 against 2, circuits!" You yelled.
Purple guy put his arm in front of Ennard to hold him back.
"Oh yeah? It's on."
You all gave out a huge war as you charged after purple guy. You thought purple guy was unarmed, you tried to punch him, but oh no! He quickly pulled out a picket knife.
You gasped and tried to dodge his attack, but he swung the knife at you.
He cut your arm and you fell back to the ground, Oh no!
The crowd of strangers backed away, gasps and screams seeping out.
Purple guy walked closer and closer to you, before he was at arms lengh.
"Your journey's over, Y/N. For real this time. Your friends aren't going to help you now." Purple guy raised his knife in the air, and stabbed you in the heart.
Expect, spongebob jumped in front of you!"
"SPONGEBOB!" You screamed.
"Y-Y/N.. a-avenge me.. bleu X-X."
"NOOOOO! Purple guy! This is the last straw!"
You got up from the sand.
Tears boiled up in your eyes.
You stole purple guys knife. He tried to run into the ocean, but you caught up to him. You took ahold of his shirt and pulled him close, putting the knife against his heart.
You raised your knife one last time, finally to kill purple guy.
You tried to stab purple guy, but a huge explosion ran out. Water pushed back, sand and water shot up into the air.
The sand dust cleared out. Instead of purple guy, you were know facing Ennard.
"E-Ennard?" Purple guy stuttered.
Ennard wasnt hurt. Surprisingly, he was still standing from the blast he just created.
"Why do you want to kill him so bad..?"
"Because.. he's trying to kill me. Ever since I crossed the street with my Steve harvey action figure."
"Well I don't know about you, but I will protect my BOYFRIEND with my LIFE. I meant it when I said you would go through me first... so if you want to kill him." Ennard paused, whipping his mask. "Give it all you got."

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