-Chapter 19-

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You all were heading back to Natsuki's house.
"C'mon guys, can you go any slower?!" Natsuki hissed.
"We're coming!" You assured her, speading up your pace.
Garfield was being more quiet them usual..
"Are you okay Garfield? You're being really quiet.."
"Oh, yeah! I'm fine, I've always been this quiet."
Something about Garfield's tone was off, and you were sure about it. You just didn't know what was so.. off.
You all arrived at Natsuki's house.
"What if purple guy is in there?" You asked.
"Then we murder him!"
Purple guy's room was going to be the first thing I would check when I get inside.
Natsuki unlocked the door, you dash inside. You climbed up and stared at purple guy's door.
You suddenly remembered that day. The fight at the beach, resulting in sponegbobs death.
You felt Natsukis hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah?" You turned around.
"You should get some rest. It's really dark out.."
"But.. purple guy.."
"He wont know you're here! You can sleep in the guest bedroom!" Natsuki blushed.
Natsuki pointed to the door right next to purple guy's room.
"I probably should get some sleep. It's been a long day.. night Natsuki."
"Night, I guess.." She sighed, walking back to her room.
The guest room looked amazing. It was like a luxury.
"Wow.." you mumbled.
You flopped onto the bed. You imminently sank into it.
Your eye lids were heavy. You shut your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Atleast you tried to.
Despite being very tired, you couldn't sleep.
You tossed and turned for minutes trying to find a comfortable position, but you just couldn't fall asleep.
"Ugh.." You groaned. "Maybe a glass of water will help.."
You fell out of the soft bed. Getting up, you felt like you were going to collapse again. You let out another quiet groan and made your water to the kitchen.
"Hopefully Natsuki won't mind if I take one water.."
You opened the pantry, looking for the water.
"There.." you whispered to yourself.
You jumped at the loud noise, turning around. It sounded like it came from upstairs.
"Could it be.. purple guy?" You whispered to yourself.
You looked at the kitchen clock. It was 3:30AM.
"Why would he be up at this hour? Does he know I'm here?!"
You grabbed a knife from the counter, cautiously making your way up the stairs.
"I know you're there, purple guy.." you mumbled under your breath.
You noticed that purple guy's door was cracked open. He must be in there.
You felt chills down your spine.
You ran up to purple guys door, and slammed it open.
"SHOW YOURSELF!" You yelled, holding out your knife.
Nobody was there. Purple guy wasn't in his room.
You looked around, there was a ladder leading to and opening in the ceiling.
"An.. attic?" You thought.
You slowly made your way up the ladder. Purple guy had to be up there!
You felt a small breeze blow past, it wasn't an attic, but you were on the roof.
You climbed up on the roof from the ladder, admiring the view.
"Wow.." You mumbled.
"Y/N?!" You heard Natsuki squeak out.
"Huh-?" You turned around.
"What are you doing up this late?! You should get your beauty sleep!"
"Well.. I couldn't sleep. What are you doing up here!?"
"Well, same reason.. so I came up here." Natsuki patted the spot next to her.
You took a seat, doing criss cross apple sauce next to Natsuki.
"The view is so pretty from up here.."
"I know, right? Even the sky is pretty tonight! You can see all the stars!"
For a few minutes, it was just silence. Now awkward silence, but a comforting silence.
"Hey Y/N, Are you.. um.." Natsuki blushed. "Into.. girls, by any chance?"
"Oh.. well.. yeah, why?"
"Well it's not like, I care! Or anything.. I'm just curious.." Natsuki blushed looking away.
You giggled a little bit, which made Natsuki look back at you.
"Hey! Why are you laughing?!"
"Well.. you're just really cute.." You laughed.
"Wait, really..? Well! Not like i care! But.. thanks.." Natsuki blushed, looking up at you.
There was a comforting silence for a moment.. until Natsuki's flushed face got closer to yours.. and closer.. and closer..
You both closed your eyes and puckered your lips... omg its a kissing scene.
But right before your lips touched, you heard a loud thud behind you.
"AHHH!" Natsuki screeched, jumping away with scared eyes.
"GUYS!" You heard Garfield shout behind you.
"What the-" natsuki shouted, Embarrassed. "What are you doing here, G-Garfield?! Why do you.. look like that.."
Garfield had lost his glasses, and there were some patches on him without fur.
Suddenly, another Garfield jumped next to him.
"GARFIELD?!" You shouted. "What's going on?!"
"I'm the real Garfield! He tried to kill me!" The garfield with glasses pointed st Garfield with no glasses.
"No! He tried to kill ME! C'mon, guys! You need to believe me! He's a POSER! A FAKE!" Garfield with no glasses begged.
"NO! C'mon guys, I have my radical, epic shades!" Garfield with glasses begged us very cooly.
"No! Natsuki.. Y/N.." Garfield with no glasses looked at me, pleading.
"He's right! Garfield with no glasses is a poser! Garfield would never take them off!" Natsuki squeaked at you"
"C'mon! Choose the real one, Y/N! I was almost killed!" Garfield with glasses said awesomely.
You took a minute to think, once you came up with an answer. But you were still hesitant.
"I.. I choose.."
This had to be right.

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