-Chapter 20-

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This had to be right.
"I choose you!" You pointed at the seemingly uncool Garfield with no glasses.
"WHAT?!" Garfield with glasses exclaimed.
You slowly nodded your head, scared if you made the wrong choice.
"ARE YOU STUPID?! YOU'RE WRONG! I WOULD NEVER TAKE MY GLASSES OFF!" Garfield with glasses huffed. "you should've listened to Natsuki!"
Natsuki stepped forward.
"No..." she whispered.
"I'm glad Y/N didn't listen to me.. garfield would never say such a thing like that!" She squeaked out.
"Oh my god, Y/N! I knew I could count on you!" Garfield with no glasses pulled you into a tight hug.
"Wait, if you're the real garfield...  the who's that?!" You asked, looking at Garfield with glasses.
Garfield with glasses smirked, and let out a laugh.
"I'm surprised you found out so quickly that I'm not the real garfield.. I'm actually.."
Garfield with glasses took his garfield mask off. It wasn't garfield at all! It was skeppy!
"SKEPPY?!" Natsuki yelled.
"Yes.. it's me! You escaped from my lair so I planned to take you back! But.. garfield tried to stop me.."
"W-Wait a second! How is Garfield even alive?!" You asked, concerned.
"Well, when the elevator exploded, this girl appeared and shielded me. I don't know if she was okay though.."
"A girl? Just a a random girl?"
"She had long blue hair and a black skirt. That's all I could see."
"Oh, okay.."
"Guys!" Natsuki yelled. "Don't get side tracked! Skeppy is right in front of us!"
You took a long look at skeppy.
"Huh-?" Natauki looked at you.
"Skeppy.. why are you doing this?"
"Because I can!"
"So you just kidnapped Natsuki for no reason? Trying to kill us for no reason?!"
Skeppy didnt reply to you. You looked at everybody around you. All eyes were on you.
"I don't want to hurt you skeppy.. even though I have a reason to.. so please.. peace?"
Skeppy looked at you for a long moment.
"Yes... you can help us defeat purple guy!" You held your hand out for skeppy to shake.
Skeppyed took your hand and shook it.
"Maybe you should change out of that Garfield suit.." garfield suggested cooly.
"Yeah you're right.." Skeppy climbed the ladder back down into the house, followed by Natsuki. But Garfield stayed behind.
"You okay?" You asked.
"I don't know.. I just don't know if I can trust skeppy. That's all.."
You thought to yourself..
Maybe it was a bad idea..
"Oh.. I don't blame you.. but I believe he can help us."
"Whatever you say I guess.." garfield went back into the house, leaving you alone on the roof.
"This was a mistake.." you said to yourself. "I need to get rid of skeppy.."
You knew it was a mistake. You had to get rid of him. He hurt Natsuki, and Garfield! What if you're next? Having to deal with purple guy at the same time was too much.
You headed down the ladder, going back into the house. You were going to look for a knife to kill skeppy with.
You went down to the kitchen.
"..skeppy..?" You whispered.
Your eyes widened as you saw skeppy standing by the kitchen counter, holding a knife in his hands.
"Skeppy?" You asked, a bit loud.
He quickly turned his head.
"What are you doing down-" you were cut off by skeppy throwing the knife at you. It went right past your head and hit the wall.
You pulled the knife from the wall, approaching skeppy.
"I knew this was a bad idea!" You yelled at him.
"Hey, Y/N, WAIT!" He yelled, putting his hands up.
You pulled your knife up into the air, ready to stab him.
Then you second guessed yourself.
Should I really do this?

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