-Chapter 23-

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Who was as the door? Was it the nurse? "🙀..." You thought. "It doesn't matter who is at the door! I need to hide his body quick!"
You kicked Ennard's body under the bed. Even though it was very obviously visible. You hoped that whoever was coming in would just thing it was wires. Well, it kinda was.
The door opened and the mangled nurse walked through.
"Y/N! What are you doing up?!"
"Oh.. I was just stretching my legs."
Your wound was aching and it was hard to keep your composure, but the pain was slowly going away.
"No, no!" Her glitchy voice started. "You can't be standing with your wound! It's not fully healed."
"Ah.. sorry." You sat back down on the bed.
"Where is your guest? Visiting hours are over."
"Oh, he already left."
Visiting hours.. that meant that it's almost night! You could sneak out with Ennard's body!
"Alright. Before you go to bed I need to change your bandages!"
The mangled nurse quickly changed the bandages around your chest.
"Ok! Goodnight, Y/N! Ring the bell if you need anything, urgent." The nurse walked out, closing the door being her. You looked out the window, the sky was a dark sunset. It was soon going to be pitch black outside. You just had to keep yourself awake.

What felt like hours passed, and you started to doze off a little. You jerked back up, rubbing your eyes. Your room was fairly dark, the light from outside shining in. You looked outside and it was almost pitch black. You guessed it was late enough to start sneaking out.
"Finally.." you sighed.
You slowly got up. Being in that position for awhile made your wound sensitive. But it still felt better than earlier. It was healing faster than you thought it would. You hunched over and slowly crouched down under the bed. Ennard's body was still there. You dragged his body out from under the bed trying not to make any noise. You cracked open the door and peaked out. The hallway lights were off and it looked a little creepy. You started dragging his body out of the room, when you hearr footsteps coming from the other end of the hallway. You quickly turned your head and saw the mangled nurse walking down the hallway. You ran back inside and cradled Ennard's unconscious body.
Oh no.. what were you going to do?!
You looked around.. the only other option was.. the window.
You waddled over to the window and looked down. You were.. countless floors up. You heard the footsteps getting closer. You dropped ennards body on the ground and grabbed
A hard chair form the corner of the room and propped it up against the door handle.
"That should hold her off.." You mumbled.
You stumbled back over to the window, lifting up Ennard's body. You opened the window and punched the screen out. Now, you just had to figure out a way to get down without either of you dying. You searched the counters and cabinets for anything to get down with. Then you, conveniently, found a rope.
You dangled the rope out the window, tying the end you held to to bed that was attached to the floor. You held Ennard body close to you and grabbed onto the rope. The nurse started banging on the door as soon as you grabbed on. You climbed out the window standing on the thin ledge, getting comfortable with going down. Your heart was pounding. If you werent smart about this, you would die. The chair was pushed from the door and the door swung open. "Y/N!!" The mangled nurse said angrily. The sashes cover to the window, but before you could think, you dropped down the rope. You held tightly onto the rope and hugged Ennard's body. The wind was loud. After what felt like forever, you made it to the bottom of the hospital. You slowly hopped off the rope and crouched down on the ground.
You knew that Ennard was going to wake up soon, so you had no time to waste. You got up and started gragging Ennards body back home.

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