Chapter 1

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It was a gloomy day, Lilith sat in her tent reading a magazine on the latest fashion trends. She wore a black tube top, a short skirt, and a pair of black shoes. Her brown hair had pins on either side of her head, holding back the front of her hair. She flipped through the pages of the magazine, scanning over different sorts of dresses and outfits, when all of a sudden she heard a noise outside of the tent, causing her to jump. She glanced up from the magazine and looked over at her friend, Blake, who had beautiful long blonde brownish hair, and wore a plain black t-shirt with a leather jacket over it, jeans, and socks on. "Hey, Blake did you hear something?" Lilith asked, nervously. 

Blake glanced up from her phone and over at Lilith, smirking. "Yeah, maybe it's our minds playing tricks on us." Blake replied. Lilith rolled her eyes at Blake's comment, unzipped the tent, and stepped out. She looked around, scanning her surroundings. She saw nothing at first, and wanting to put her racing mind at ease she walked over towards a bush hoping she would see some small animal, once she got close she jumped back as a squirrel darted out of the shrub. She let out a sigh of relief. She scanned her surroundings since she didn't when Blake and her were setting up the tent. She stopped when she spotted a strange structure in the distance. Her mind began to wonder what it was and if Blake knew about it. Curiosity got the best of her and she began walking toward it, as she approached it, thunderstruck and it began to rain.

She stood in front of it, realizing it was some old mansion that appeared to be abandoned, not thinking much of it, she walked up the stairs and to the front door. She reached for the doorknob to see if it was locked and to her surprise, it wasn't. She opened the door and walked into the mansion. She walked in what appeared to be a main hall, it seemed to be stuck in the 1950s. She glanced over the room, noticing how clean it looked and seemed to still be kept up with, she began to wonder how the inside could still be in perfect condition while the outside seemed abandoned. "Hello?" She said, nervously. She turned around and saw the front door was closed. "I thought I left it open." She mumbled. "And why didn't you knock?" An anonymous voice said.

Lilith turned back around and scanned the room and her eyes stopped when she spotted a dirty blonde-haired woman, she had blue eyes that seemed to be staring down at Lilith from the balcony that was above the main hall. She wore a short light blue dress along with heels that matched. "Sorry for intruding, I'll just leave." Lilith said, turning back around towards the door, but the woman was already in front of her. "And you think you can leave when you've just arrived." She said. "Well, I intruded so I was going to leave." Lilith replied. Lilith began to shiver, but she didn't know if it was from fear or the rain.

The strange woman took notice and grabbed Lilith's hand. "Aww, poor you. You must be shivering," The woman said, leading Lilith up the stairs. She walked to one of the guest rooms close to the stairs. She let go of Lilith's hand and grabbed a blanket from the closet. "Here." She said. Lilith was hesitant about grabbing the blanket but was desperate for warmth so she took it. The strange woman noticed how hesitant Lilith was, "Oh sorry maybe I should've introduced myself, I'm Ashlynn." She said, extending her hand. Lilith shook her hand, "Lilith." She replied.

Ashlynn walked over to the bed and sat down. "So what were you doing out in the rain all by yourself?" She asked looking up at Lilith, Lilith looked over at Ashlynn. "Well, I heard a noise outside of my tent and went to investigate-" Lilith began but stopped, hearing footsteps downstairs. 

Ashlynn sighed and got up. "That's my sister Anansi, she can be a bitch but don't worry." Ashlynn said and walked out. Lilith quietly walked over to the door and slowly opened it, leaving a crack big enough to see down into the main hall. She saw Ashlynn talking to a slim figure that had pale skin and brown hair. She wore a red leather jacket with a black tank top underneath it, she had on jeans and combat boots. Lilith shut the door quietly and backed up further into the room. "Okay, I forgot my phone, and Blake's probably worried right now." She mumbled, panicking a bit.

She glanced over at the door as it opened, revealing the brown-haired woman from downstairs and Ashlynn was behind her. "Hi." Lilith said. "And I knew we had visitors, why did you let her in Ash?" The brown-haired woman asked, glancing over at Ashlynn. "Well, Anansi, she intruded." Ashlynn said with a smirk on her face. "Anansi?" Lilith said confused a bit.

Anansi glanced back over to where Lilith was and looked her up and down. "Yes, I'm Anansi, I see you already met Ashlynn." The brown-haired woman replied. "Look, I have to leave now, I enjoyed staying but my friend might be worried." Lilith said, pushing past the two women, but halted when her wrist was grabbed tightly. "And you're leaving again." Ashlynn said.

Lilith glanced over her shoulder to find Ashlynn angrily staring at her. "Sorry." Lilith said nervously, pulling her wrist away from Ashlynn's tight grip. Lilith looked down at the front door and sighed before turning to look at Ashlynn. "You may stay up here, I'm sure your friend will come soon seeing you just wandered upon our home and came in without knocking." Ashlynn said, raising her voice a bit. Her eyes changed from her innocent blue to a devilish red and almost black veins appeared underneath her eyes. Lilith trembled a bit at Ashlynn's sudden change in demeanor. "I'm so sorry." Lilith said, terror lacing her tone. 

Ashlynn noticed the terrified look on Lilith's face and her eyes returned to their normal state. "Excuse me." Ashlynn said walking out of the room, leaving Anansi and Lilith alone with each other. "Sorry about my sister she can be weird sometimes." Anansi said, looking at Lilith. Anansi left the room and as she did there was a knock at the front door. Anansi closed the door behind her, but Lilith opened it, cracking it enough to see downstairs. Lilith noticed Ashlynn on the balcony that was near the room she was in and watched as she walked down the stairs and to the front door, Anansi following her. Lilith slowly opened the door and quietly made her way downstairs. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs when she heard a familiar voice. "My friend, have you seen her?" Blake asked. Lilith slowly crept towards the front door and saw Blake standing at the door, a concerned look on her face. "Blake?" She said. "Lilith." Blake replied, a smile appearing on her face.

Lilith rushed past the two women standing by the door and hugged Blake. "Come on let's go." Lilith whispered to Blake. They started to walk away when Lilith was pulled back into the mansion. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Anansi asked, raising her voice. "Leaving, my friend arrived now I'm leaving, unless you're trying to keep me hostage." Lilith replied, angrily. Ashlynn and Anansi looked at each other, Anansi grabbed Lilith and Ashlynn grabbed Blake, dragging her into the mansion. "Come on stop trying to leave Lilith, dinners going to be served soon." Ashlynn said with a devilish smirk. Anansi and Ashlynn dragged Blake and Lilith into a dining room and seated them at an antique dining table with a luxurious chandelier above it that seemed to be from the 50s, then they turned away and disappeared. Lilith looked at Blake, who was across from her. "I have a bad feeling about this." Blake said. "Somethings up with them, they're not human." Lilith replied.  Anansi and Ashlynn walked into the room and they both stopped at the front of the table. "I'm Ashlynn and this is my sister Anansi." Ashlynn said her attention on Blake. "I'm Blake and I'm sure you know my friend Lilith." Blake replied, giving Ashlynn a small smile.

Anansi and Ashlynn looked between the two girls and their eyes turned red and those same veins appeared underneath their eyes. "Why are your eyes red and why are there veins underneath your eyes?" Lilith asked, confused. "Because we're starving." Anansi replied, walking towards Lilith. Anansi grabbed Lilith's hand and bit her wrist drawing blood. "What the hell are you doing?" Lilith asked, her voice shaky. "Feeding." Anansi replied. All of a sudden Blake screamed, Lilith looked over at where she was and saw Ashlynn biting her neck. Lilith watched in horror as blood dripped from Blake's neck. She slowly looked back at Anansi. "What the hell are you?" Lilith asked, her voice shaky.

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