Falling asleep during movie night

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Summary: Kaminari is stressing the life out of himself to study for the upcoming test, and Aizawa, Kirishima, and Bakugo decide to stop his unhealthy habit.

Movie nights were sacred meetings that were held at the 1-A dorms every weekend. But with mid-terms coming up, they became more scarce. Aizawa noticed the stress and tension the mid-terms was causing a couple of weeks before.

Denki was twitching more than normal, no doubt a mix of his ADHD, and his stress effecting his quirk. Aizawa just hoped that he wasn't putting the electrocution on himself.

Bakugo yelled more, his explosive personality only becoming worse. Aizawa knew he wasn't stressed for his sake, but was pulling his group with study sessions so they could pass.

Kirishima's smiles turned more worried, he wasn't the bottom of the class, but he wasn't the top either. Aizawa knew he wasnt the best at English.

This is why on a Friday only a few weeks away from the big test, he ordered a movie night. 

The class's tired eyes looked up with suprise, some tightly smiling.

Kaminari raised a hand "uhh Aizawa Sensei- is this mandatory?" He asked. The class looked at him in shock, not expecting the 'slack off' to ask that question. He only smiled sheepishly.

Aizawa studied his student. He knew that this meant everything to Kaminari, even if he joked about his bad grades to make others feel better. He needed this more than anyone.

 "Yes, yes it is." 

 "But if it's mandatory, then shouldn't you come too Mr.Aizawa? " Hagakure asked.

Majority of the class shot him puppy eyes.



 Kaminari ran up to his room as soon as they got back to the dorms after hero training. He was planning on making a trip to Starbucks and studying through the night, and going to Bakugo's and Yaoyorozu 's study sessions the next day.

Looks like he would have to change plans. He would study math until 8:30, the starting time of the movie. Then he would listen to the audio recording he took the other day in their hero study's lecture. Sometimes his quirk wouldn't allow him to pay attention, so he would have to record it to listen to later.

The only good thing about his quirk, was that he could shock himself, jolting his brain back to focusing. Lately he had been doing that a lot, espresso shots can only get you so far.

His alarm clock for 8:20 rang, he scrambled to turn it off. 

He closed his books, stacking them on his bed for when he got back. He left multiple Starbucks drinks he got this morning on his counter, knowing he would need them to revive himself. He put his notes on top of his pillow, if he ever slept, then he would be reminded of the test.

The movie they planned to watch was an hour and a half long, so for extra measure he set an alarm for 9:30 in case he Accedently fell asleep when he got back.

Looking down at his bare thighs, he could see the bruises that peaked a little past his shorts. He wondered if they would be safe to wear. He shrugged, pulling on a sweatshirt over his tanktop, deciding to leave the shorts on.

He quickly blended in concealer to cover his eye bags, pulling his shorts down to mid-thigh, and pulling up his fuzzy socks.

Before leaving the room, he swiped his phone and earbuds.

 "How fashionably late of you." Jiro commented flatly, Kaminari was the last one there.

 "Sorry my dudes and dudettes. I had to get some beauty sleep in before this wrecks my schedule." Kaminari fibbed.

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