Chapter 2 - Fantasy

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There was a sudden knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone, and the girls had just left about 30 minutes ago. I walked over to the door to Midas there.

"Hey what's up?" I asked casually.

"I just wanted to make sure the room was comfortable enough for you". He said warmly.

It was sweet that he cared. Where I came from, well I guess I should say, my home wasn't like this. It didn't feel like home. Life was rotten, mom was an addict and my father, I don't know what happened to him. My friends always said they didn't want me going back there and that I should stay over. But they knew I couldn't stay their forever. Yes I was abused, but I got used to the pain. Besides my mom seemed to get weaker each time she tried to do anything. But from what's happened today, with this new world, dimension. Heck, I'm most likely dead. But if being dead is like this, I kinda like it. For more reasons than one. Example number one: the handsome ass man standing in front of me. Example number two: no parents.

"Oh, yeah. It's perfect I love it". I smiled at him. This must have been the first time ever in his life, but he smiled back at me.

"I'm glad you like it". He said leaning against the doorframe.
"Since you're new around here, I've decided that I won't make you go on missions yet. You know, for training". He said, sounding like he almost corrected himself.

"What do you mean missions?" I asked.

"Do you not know where you are?" He asked me.

"No. Half the time I thought I was dead". I said leaning on the other side of the doorframe from him.

"No darling. I can assure you, you're not dead". He said randomly walking into my room. I pursed my lips and stared wide eyed at the floor as he walked in. Great. Hot guy in my room. What could possibly go wrong? I thought looking over at him. He sat over in a chair next to a large window that over looked a river.

"Y/N, my dear. Could you sit for a moment?" He asked looking out the window. I shut the door and walked over to the chair across from him.

"How exactly did you end up here?" He asked me.

"Well, there was a lot of darkness and this giant portal thing appeared and I got sucked through that. And bibity bobbity boo, now I'm here". I said. He stayed there and thought for a second. I saw him look down, which made me a little nervous.

"Where did you get your necklace?" He asked. I had completely forgotten about that to be honest. It was a little golden rose that hung from the chain.

"It was my mother's that she wore on her wedding day". I said playing with it.

"It's beautiful". He said almost in awe. He was still eyeing me. I tried to start up conversation though I'm super awkward in social interactions.

"So um, where am I exactly?" I asked him.

"This is The Agency, the head quarters of Ghost". He said leaning back.

"And this world?" I asked.

"The island of Fortnite, my dear". He laughed slightly at my dumbfounded face. I truly was confused. But this place seemed way better than home. I looked at his hands again that were a solid gold. Other images were formed by the gold on his skin: a spade, a bird, something that looked like a star. His upper arm had tattoos of roses. I looked up and saw that his neck was completely tattooed as well. Damn, that must have hurt a lot. I thought to myself. I looked up again to see him still eyeing me.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No love, just lost in thought". He said.
Yeah by the looks of it, you're lost in the thought of how many ways you can take off my clothes. I slightly rolled my eyes.

"Well um, when do we eat? I'm starving". I said trying to get out of the situation.

"About a half an hour. I'll let you clean yourself if you want. There will be a call when you need to come down when we're ready". He said.

"Thank you". I said getting up.

"My pleasure, dear". He said walking to the door.

"Oh and Y/N". He said. I turned and looked at him.

"If you need anything, I'm always here". He said before shutting the door. After heard him walk down the hallway I walked to the bathroom.

"Oh no. I think I'm catchin' feelin's". I sung. I laughed at myself and prepared a shower for myself.

After my shower I put on some clothes that Tina had left me. I slipped them on and I didn't look half bad. Black ripped jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. I grabbed a jacket from the closet and pulled out my hair from under it. I looked at myself in the mirror and huffed with confidence. Just then a speaker went off.

"Dinner will be served in 10 minutes, make your way to the dining hall". Said a low voice. Sounded like the guy in the white suit. Now that I think about it, if this is a high class agency of spies then those guys must be henchmen. I thought about it and felt stupid for not realizing. I opened then door shutting it behind me as I made my way down the halls. Once I made it to the stairs I thought to myself,
Wait. I don't know where the dining hall is. I don't know where the hell I'm going. Lucky for me Skye ran up behind me.

"Why must you always be heading to Midas's room huh?" She laughed.

"Hey! I don't know where I'm going!" I laughed and blushed.

"Sure. So you go to the only place that you know!" She laughed.

"Shut up! I was un aware of that being his room! Now let's get to the dining hall I'm starving!" I said following her.

"For what exactly?" She smirked at me. I stopped and gave her a death stare.

"That's it come here!" I said running after her. At least we got to the dining hall quicker. We made our way into the giant room. A long gold table was extended through the middle.
This guy sure loves gold. I thought. I sat beside Skye and across from me was TNTina. The catman was at the end of the table next to Midas and across from him was a girl with long straight black hair.

"That's Maya". Skye whispered.

"She's not that nice". Tina whisper laughed. Maya glared at my from the other side of the table. I just looked at my legs. A bunch of henchmen came out with plates of food. It looked amazing.

"Ladies and Gents. Enjoy". One of the henchmen said. Once they left we began the meal, which was the best food I had ever tasted in my life.

Weird ending I know but I know where I'm going with this. Trust guys. Alright see you in next chapter. Love you all!🖤

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