Chapter 13 - The Enemy Among Us

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I had made it back to the SHADOW HQ with just a few remaining henchmen. We took a definite hit, but at least my agents were alive. Though, Y/N is gone, that angered me. The helicopter landed and I stormed to my office. I slammed the door after I had entered, turning it good by accident. The problem with being in love with Y/N is that she'll find out everything I told her was a lie. But the fact of me loving her wasn't. I truly had feelings for her. But my asshat of a brother has taken her from me. So, I must make him suffer more than he has made me.

I sat at my desk and folded my hands to my mouth. I looked over to the corner of the room, where a bulletin board stood. I glanced at the photos of different agents of GHOST. I saw one in particular and my grin widened.

"And I know just who to use." I said, throwing a knife towards a picture of a girl with black hair.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE 'GOLDEN TOUCH'?!" I shouted at Midas, freaking out.
"Y/N, darling relax. It's alright." He said trying to calm me down.

"How? I don't know how to work this shit! For all I know I could turn the whole island gold without even thinking."

"Darling, it doesn't work like that." He said, looking at me funny.

"Then how does it, M?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Well for starters, you turn what you want to gold. It doesn't happen instantly. Secondly, your emotions can take over. But that is an easy fix with practice." He said, holding my hands.

"And you can't hurt me, since I have it as well." He smiled lightly. I forced a smile since I couldn't think of a response.

"What about everyone else? Skye's never gonna forgive me. Now I have this to worry about. I just want to give up Midas. I don't deserve to live. I'm too dangerous." I sighed.

"Y/N, love, look at me. You are beautiful and amazing to me. I love every mistake you make. Every flaw about you. Every imperfection. You're my life, and I can't live without you in my life." He said, holding me.

"I love you Y/N. Never forget that." He said, looking deeply into my eyes.

"I love you too Midas, and I won't." I smiled, kissing him gently. Before anything else could happen, someone slammed open the door.

"Making out with the murderer now huh?!" Maya stated, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"What did you just call her?" Midas glared.

"You heard me. Plus you know what we had."

"HAD! Maya, had." He rolled his eyes with annoyance.

"You know you enjoyed what you did to my body." She said, sliding a hand down her side. I tensed up and wanted to mess her up, but Midas held me back.

"I think it's about time you leave Maya." He said sternly.

"Make me, playboy." She snapped. She went to make an approach, when Brutus showed up behind her.

"I think it's about time you leave them alone, eh?" He said placing a hand on her shoulder. She grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his head. She flipped him over and hit his head hard against the marble ground. She had mega strength, but that was going to be against us.

"Take that, fat ass." She spat at him, glaring up at us.

"Y/N, on my mark, tap the ground and focus your mind towards her." He said quietly.

"Ok." I whispered.

"Ok y'know, just for that I'm killing her first." She pointed a hand canon right between my eyes. My eyes widened.

"No!" Midas jumped in front of my as the gun went off. I threw my arm over him. To my surprise, my arm had turned gold. Deflecting the bullet from hitting either of us. Instead it bounced back and hit her, scraping her temple.

"Ah!" I cried out.

"Y/N, now." Midas said. I kneeled to the ground and touched it. I focused with my whole mind. I gold streak started to appear towards her. The gold reached her shoe and still spread.

"What have you done to me?!" She screeched.

"What should have been done a while ago, my dear." He sighed, his voice deep. The gold was spreading fast. Maya looked worried and scared. Was I going to kill her? She began to run, faster than I thought possible. Midas and I chased her down the halls. We made it to the lobby, where she was already out the door. We ran outside to see her in a boat, trying to get away. I looked beside me to see Midas pressing a different button on his coms. It was a distress signal. Suddenly a helicopter came out of nowhere. I hoped it was ours. To my luck it wasn't, it was SHADOW. The enemies dropped down to the boat. I heard a scream in the distance. I tried not to cry again.p, it was working. But I was still scared of what was to come.

"Midas?" I asked, my voice shaking a bit.

"Yes darling?" He responded.

"There goes another one." I sighed looking off into the distance as the chopper flew off.

Anyways I hope you're all doing well. Even if you aren't, you can always DM me and I will try to help🥺💛✨ You all mean the world to me! Love you! Midas loves you to!💕

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